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THE AGE OF RECREATI(?N IS UPON US..._.._..," <br />ThiS i5 thf dge uf ![rent[�n in an .: ..,_ Ir i, hig business, une ot <br />the higgest. Maie time, money i ene!yies -i.:• spent oe it th;�n <br />ever 6efore. Recreation places and piog �ams , o sn n�inerous and <br />prolific that theru is no compiete r. tn -� o! -ham. <br />As it has 9roevn, recreaiion has L.�mme m�>i�� di�t��cult to iiefine. <br />There has 6een a ohilosophlcal log �mong those m me profession. <br />Boih internal antl external ,`oicei fiav� ncwted programs, many <br />of whieh cannot Ix �eeoncb=ii rr�Ui the va�.ms and qoals of ;n> <br />eariier day. <br />Under these CncumStanCes, a or'� �otllr. i recdli�,i[inn uf bas,c leriets <br />seems not anly in oidei, bui aho es;:.nud�_ <br />Recreatlon, whatever rt re, s,;is(ies seme hasic needs �.� eveiyon�� <br />and Can en�iCh the live5 of our pPnple and impro¢e the quality of <br />soCiety. Therefore please don't hesitate to contact members of <br />the Park and Recreation Con.mission or Depaitment wrth you� <br />questions and comments regarGing the crty�wide meetiny the <br />recreational needs of our citizenry. <br />iha Pa.a ���tl F.,..:�e�Uon Deoar,n;<,i✓ . � . . ..n ..� „ . <br />q�svst:on cr ��u�.:qe5;uns on LEISURE A��'!ni ,�.:mF:u- .s <br />Hr.�:: wc wu.nJ c-� ��:ipRV In �nee.t wdh You oi ���w .aotiu . <br />The Park and Rec��eation Departme�n �: iocated a; 2401 H�gh�ray <br />No. 70, Mounds Vieev, Minnesote 55112 The ofhce is open from <br />8:OU A.M, to 4:30 P.M. Monday throuyh Fr�day.and on \l'ednesd'ay <br />uniii u.�0 ?.�n �vt 'ru;u� ca:.c.::::::cc !.. •u§is:e•:,•g r,• �, _ . <br />the department will be open the Thursdays of Decem6er� 30 and <br />January 6 un[il 8:00 p.m. <br />Pat Caui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary <br />. <br />Mary Kvalheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Supervrsor <br />Jack W. Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tree InsPector <br />Douqlas F. Bryant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director <br />MOUNDS VIEW <br />PARK AND RECREATION <br />ADVISORY COMMISSION <br />Tbe Ya�ks antl flecreation Commissfon meets on [he 4tM1 Thursday <br />on eaeh month at 6:30 P.M., at the City HaIL The Commission ad� <br />vises the City Council on the Parks and Recreation Program in <br />Mounds View. <br />Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LuVeme Peterson <br />Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . Wayne Burme,ter <br />. . . WaY��e Wxtlen <br />Jacque Copl in <br />Go<dan Fedot <br />Kip Lundc�uist <br />Barbara Haake <br />'Kerealinir. . . . _ _ u vd;r �,I)'rnr�,�d.. <br />SPECIAL <br />EVENTS S� TRIPS <br />fA.AIII.Y Ul'CIAG� ^� <br />SNOW TUBIN�G � � - <br />En�uy ,Ldiny un .nneie�be; e� Ekn Bakken, nea� Scandi�. Fiy <br />domn anowy h:lis on i»ulrt-sized iunei�ubesf Uphill tow5 and <br />o�-nh�Jl :��yvs piov«les'oi fun. FeoisS300,personfor �� <br />bus IiamP�� fetion an<i trnv ancl tube `ee_ Chalet is availBblP fpr <br />ya�mino. F�i<fay, Febiiiaiy I1_ Depaiivioa[MoundsViewCiiy <br />Hafl. li 00 P hA. .rn, Rr� nu y 10-00 P M. Mminnim 25- <br />H�=4sii�����. �L-�idli„o u Feh�u.iy4_ <br />FRIDAV 6�00 �O l�0 R�OUNDS VIF.W CITY HALL <br />� .�b�.imyl i <br />HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS AT THE MET <br />Con:e see Meatlmal�rk nnd Curiy, m baske�bdll aClion nnd <br />wmedy� FamJlrs ca�� enjoy ths peitonn3nce withouT ihe <br />heedache o` di ivin�� .��d wi;h ihP benet��s o( group �d[e. Fee is <br />55.50'pe�son foi namp�n!oi�on and Gcket Depaituin iiom <br />Mounds View Oty Hal� L00 RM_ Reyisb,nlon [leadline <br />Jaruary 10. Minimum 25, maximum 50. <br />SATURpAY 1:00 P.M. MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br />January 75 <br />5:1'1'l'RU:1Y 9fOVIE BONANZA <br />The mag�c of Walt DisneY w'ill nckle your fancy and warm your <br />heart. Quality (ilms likv "Babes in Toyland" and the mischievous <br />adventures ot "Almost Angels" have bng been aseociatetl wi!h <br />�ha nam«� lrValt Uisnev. Two shows each $aturday at 72 noon a <br />3 p.m, wlll be presented at Mounds V iew City Hall. The Mounoi <br />View Jaycees will provide supervision. Advanced re9istration is <br />recauired for ali movieti. Reqistration closes on [he Monday <br />preceedfny each movie. Movies are 75¢ each. A special price of <br />53.25 for all 5 movies is atso available. No refuncis_(�r mov_ies <br />will be iven. Snacks witl be available for ule. <br />"ALMOST ANGELS" Jznuaiy 29 - Take a front row seat and <br />hear rhe heautiful mus�c o1 the 500 - year old Vlenna Boy's <br />Choir. The youngsters sing like angels. But life behind lhe scenet <br />proves that boys will he hoys. Follow the rollicking adventures <br />of these world travelers and you too will discover that they aren't <br />the little angels they seem to be. <br />"BABES IN TOVLAND" - February 19 - SDarkling music and <br />r,aptfvating fantasy combine to make this spectacular adventure <br />classia Mary Contrary, Jack�Be-Nimble, and Boy Blue will <br />delight ynu in their worid of son, dance and laughter. And you'll <br />Ihrdl m the si9hts and sounds of the beloved "March of the Toy <br />SO�(�IP.I'S �. <br />"JOHNNV SHILOH" - March 19 - This is a gullant siory of a <br />real-Ilfe Civil Wai heio � 11 yeai uld Johnny Shiloh. Drums roll, <br />bugles blow, and fhe mlyhly armies charge. Thiou9h (he battle <br />sfands this brave drummei boy whose 9realesl desire is to become <br />a full Fledged su�diei In ihe Union Ai my. <br />"THE ABSENT�MINDED PROFESSOR" - APril 23 - F <br />laoexblN but hum6hny �c,i�nce ieachei eccidenlaliy invr.nts an <br />incrod�6le unti-9raviiy s!ibs�anc.r �°Hubber". He uses i[ as �� <br />rnuryy xuin r,r fo� his old Modal T. Thp disw�ery works � flul� <br />mak�•s a f P�inq aai � Come and see flubbei nt iYs fullest potenba. <br />°SAVr�C3E SAM�� Mav 14 �- A smell band of horse�stealin9 <br />F�p.ich"s �� ihe �empaqe k�idnvp thiee leenageit A fearless dog <br />��,��r,�-d S.un I��adc .; hnnJfull of i iiqged Tezas p�oneers across xhe <br />61„rty ����� Lind nn n euuu�. nussiun. See Sdm'S vnCOUMerS and <br />nde�-�ii:nr�.n I:r: bi,ivirlY scu,ks hiS losl fricnds <br />