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TRACKS Week of Apri� TS, 1977 Poge 7C <br />In Mi»nesota <br />�' � � � , . <br />� ;� <br />1 1 1 1 <br />9y Jeaoole Hannon <br />Uaiversily Newa Servfce <br />There is more W recrestion in Min� <br />,� oeaote than a moming oft 6etween snow <br />r shoveiings or fln aflemoon spent slapping <br />mosqwtces. The amson is arriving when <br />w Mmnesota recreation wiil blossom. <br />^� Minnesota tends to follow many <br />� retional Irenda in recreatlon and supplies <br />(�' eane of its own too, according to John <br />''� Sehultz, Univereily ot Minnesola <br />`�?t pMeasor of recreation, perk and leisure <br />� �,, Bludies. <br />�� Like mosf of the people in Ne cowlry, <br />'� Minnesotans are more and more <br />"_' frequenlly clwwsing ucHve ralher than <br />.:, passive leieure�time activilies. One <br />�'� eyample of Utis trend is the upsurge in <br />>{-� cteative henNwork in remnl yeers. <br />g 'Compenles that sell craft supplies end <br />!'+L,eehools lhat otfer classes in crefts are <br />� ,r600ming now," Schultz said. <br />� People also seem to be looking tor mare <br />'.: jrariMy iu tLe'v recreetion. Resons lhat <br />�� iwed to provide just one activity, like <br />�''i�hhiog, ere now tinding it necessary to <br />�� diversify, both in Minnesota and <br />� eleewhere, SchWlz said. <br />� '^ .Sports priodtles are shifting somewha� <br />��.riao Schulta asi�, U�ough cecrestion <br />' yhends are always changing. CoU and <br />;�j4ycliog ere becoming more popWar in <br />'" �nnesMa erd elsewhere while the <br />,��dedty of le�nia eeems to be leveling <br />dI. Sailing Is becoming more popWar as <br />, Ihe cast of eqWpment gces down and lhe <br />, •:i <br />;� open seco <br />..i�reviwsly featined in other m�;ur lheme <br />R t��'ta Uvoughout the cu.nUy. Other new <br />we indude the emeziog Balancing <br />necAts perferming eplit semnd <br />.. crobatics, lAe acelaimeC 7'rolley <br />- � rionetlea recrealin6 "�Iebrities on <br />rings;"and featured in the diniog patio <br />is lhe "Dyaamic Regtime Duo" o( <br />- Poweli, a tas Vegas heaAliuer for <br />ny yeRa and Lowell Schreyu, banjo <br />rlumo. <br />Two new bodY WPPeb, "Walley EYe,� <br />� °Clalre D. Luon," will join <br />� Chncolalr pla�se" anA "Colnnel .IoAn <br />nF:ll.. .• . . . . <br />� I <br />cost nt gas for power 6oeling gces up. <br />Energy shnrtagea are beginning to have <br />a realimpacl on recreation, &hulu said. <br />Minnesala resorLS wlll probably beneflt e6 <br />people find it necessary to boet end camp <br />closer to home. Some local resorls have <br />added tacilities tor cempets in the {resl <br />rnuplc of years to cash in on Utia trend. <br />Heavier lazes on gasoline could make <br />ciuse�to-home camping even more <br />common, but hard-core Minnesota <br />smwmobilers will cul back In other nreae <br />to keep (ueling Neir motors, &hWlz seid. <br />Whiln lhe appeal of motorpowered <br />recrealion is spultering out, "beck to <br />nalure" recrealion is in tWl flower, <br />SchWtz said. Backpacking, cenceing, <br />cross�country skiing and Jusl plaln <br />walking are more popWar across the <br />country now than ever before. <br />More trails far biking end hiking are <br />Eeing buil[, bul not without controversy. <br />Minnesota planners are et odds over <br />whether to design them as romd-tdp <br />•9aops" or as one-way "arrows." Riqhts <br />ot way along old railroad Uecks are often <br />used, but now farme's in some arees are <br />trying ta buy this land for themselves, <br />ScnWlz said. <br />What used to be a hitorvmias approach <br />to recreation is becoming more <br />organiud, SchWt2 aeid. People in Min� <br />nesola and eisewhere are progremming <br />lheir leisure the way they do their work. <br />This is pertly from necesslly — many <br />6owtlng alieys and ice arenas must 6e <br />reserved by groups well in edvance, and <br />��� <br />moro ekl urees in hllnneaota are begln- <br />ning to package theit time too, &hWlz <br />seid. <br />6ut people ehoWM'[ luve W evWuote <br />their recreallon the way lhey do their <br />work, ScAWtz added. "A backQecking trip <br />shoWM't be Judged Jusl by how ter you go <br />or a bird-watching jewt by Iww many <br />speciee you saw,° he seld. Wlput ie not <br />the only goal ot recreation. <br />Olher national trends arc increa0ing <br />recreetion time end making ft more <br />importaot. As more compenies move to <br />fourdey work weeke, (lexible timing and <br />split jobs, more blmks ot tlme for <br />recreetion are creeted. "Md es more <br />people take lime otf between jabs, retire <br />eariy, change careers, or ere unem• <br />ployed, there is mme Ume tor recreedon <br />too;' SchWtz aeid. 79iie can edd up to a <br />substanlial investmenl in recreation <br />nalionelly. <br />The "leisure iadr.:ry" In Minnesota. <br />however, is quite dVterent from the <br />nationet picture, SchWiz said. [arge <br />corporadons are buying rewrW <br />nationelly but have �rot moved onW the <br />Minnesata attne where 90 percent of the <br />2.200 rewr4s boast only 10 CabW ar leae. <br />end are mostly tamiiyawned. <br />"The big companiee scem to be Iookit� <br />tor four-seeson potmtlal;' SchWta wIQ <br />adding that Minnesate's wfntere dol�,� <br />seem warm enauBh, except to M4r <br />nesolans who enjoy cmescountry ekilnQ, <br />snowmabiling, icrGehing and winler <br />campouLV. <br />nd season May 14 <br />The Golphin shav, Valleytair's mael <br />populer praduclion, will he retumipg for <br />Ihe 19T! season aiong wilh tAe park'e <br />regular lineup ot great rides, auch es, lhe <br />rallrr cwsteq Ihe rail bender, antlque <br />motor cers, dodgeem care, tr�banl, <br />17ying trapeee, supercal, Ue giant fertls <br />wheel nnd the IB23 handtarved carauel <br />OI IIO�FCS. <br />Slwamen eaid 1Ae perk Ne fwlAer <br />enhanced iU turnM-thrcmlury Ihemo <br />�hrough Ihe additiw ot � unique Ilmling <br />6errol Gridge enledng IMng's Island. <br />Alang wilh ezpanding the park'e picnic <br />arca la arcommndate specail Rraups nr <br />gorgeoue lhrentiered fountaln In the <br />maln enlrance plara. <br />Wilh the edditions olexci8ing nea Ads, <br />thrllling enlerlainmeni and be�utlful <br />landscaping, Sherman promis`s yeu lwo <br />at Valleyfair W be ao evm bis{er 4y <br />eraund. <br />Prlces io Ue Ii7! aea�an �ro 16.SD la' <br />guafa egea l8 aM oldv; {5.60 kr gunb <br />aga � W 11. CAildren under age taur ue <br />admitted free. <br />From opeNng on Sa[urd�y, Mey 1� <br />through TAunday, Mey 29, Uie ptk will <br />open from 10 a,m. througA 8 p.m. daily. <br />Aflrr MaY N. I��k hanrv will M Irnm m <br />