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ru:r�o zo: ri,r�: <br />FROM: Arucc <br />llATE: Ueccmhcr 6, 1977 <br />RI:: 1978 Ocpartmun[al Go�la <br />ldhen formulaCing the^, for [he hlounds Vicw Pirl:s, Recrca[ion rmd I'ores[ry <br />U��par[meat for 1578 the followin�; quote of Sorre[as cnmc to mind: <br />"lf a mnn cloet not know to which parl ho is sailing, no wind is <br />favorable." We Inel [he a[Cacheel ]ivC of goals will create a <br />"por[" for our departmenC to "nail" durinF the upcomin}; <br />Goal se[ting; represcnt:: a fourfcld proce;;s to our drpartmen[. <br />L It creates sta[f invoLVement in detcrmining [hr directron the <br />department wi71 head in acmmp7i!:hinf tlie overriding goal. <br />2. I[ provides a bas[, fmm which per(onimncc evalua[ion can be <br />mea:: ure d . <br />3. :t idenLifieti critical �reas for which lhe[menl needc t:o <br />find solutions in order to acromplish thc ma.jor goal. <br />4. I[ permits lnng range pl.inning by providing directinn and continuity <br />for futurc decisinns. <br />TFIE PNJOR GOAL OF' 1'HC Ci0U6llS YIF.'w' Pe1Rl�5, RCCRh:Al'lON ANU FORGSTHI' DF.PARTP?ENY IS <br />1'0 DEVELOP A COMPk6HGViIl1i ASD P,AI.AKCF.0 Syg'pF.>I 0�' PAhkS, OPCN tiPACF., TRAILS <br />AXll LEISL'RIi ORIENTGU PI:OGR:ICIS 1'OK ALL I21ZS1UIS6'CS Of NOLINDS VI.[':W IN AS F.COtiOMIC <br />,1 A4\SNF.R AS YOSSII3LE. <br />7Rcre arc foirc basic elcc.onYS nccrss.irv to accnmplish [Lis; <br />1. Park ❑ud Recroa[i��n I'acili[i.cs <br />2. Recrea[ion Progr�mminy; <br />3. Park Piair.[enancc <br />4. Forestry Program <br />The itaplementatian phase of goal setting is far umre diflicuLt t{�an tfie <br />initial planning s[agc. 1'he role of n ParFs and Recreatinn[ was <br />pu[ quite clearly by Frederick I,aw Olmstead i.n 1986 wlicn he sta[ed: <br />"IC is the du[V of x P:vk Urpar[ment to opc•n [he wny [o new, not [o <br />follow old c.usCOm.s; [o lead public opinian and no[ to [ag alter i[. <br />[f i[ �is no[ prepared to move iu advanrv of tho pcoplr of whose in[eres[ <br />i[ is placed in charge, no[I�ing is morc� ror[ain th:�n [hat afteT a fea <br />years i[ labnn; wi.11 bc re�arded very unrra[etully anJ tlic ques[ion will <br />ofton he nsl:ed, °41hy rould tlmy not havc utiod a liUle mare (orc::ight <br />and got a littic morc uut of tlie inhvritrd ruts." <br />Foresi�;htedness :�nd willingness to keep pnce ivith [be timrs aro Cwo essential <br />ingredien[s oI agenciec responsible (nr Jirec[in}; n evc�r r6an�;ing socieCy. <br />7'o Chie rnd i h�ereby cubnif aur litit of l:nnls ancl obiccl{vrr; for the Vear 14?8. <br />