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Call To Order <br />Roll Call <br />Approval of <br />lHnutes <br />MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE <br />����� �.m occaceTiqN COMMISSION <br />V CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COIINTY OF RpMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />Regular Sesaion <br />December 15, 1977 <br />Edgewood Jr. High <br />6:30 p.m. <br />The Mounds View Parks and Recreation Co�ieeion was <br />called to order a[ 6:35 p.m. by Chairman Vern Petereon. <br />Commisaionere preeent - Chairmart Petereon, Wayne Burmeieter, <br />Jacque Cop11n, Barb Haake, Wayne Weflen and Councilmember <br />2iebarth. <br />Comnisaioners absertt - Gordon Fedor. <br />Others preaent - Bruce Andereon, Director; Mery Rvalheim, <br />Program Supervieor; Mark Achen, Ci[y Administrator; and <br />Ruaeell Pahl, reeldent. <br />Motion by Co�ieeioner Burmeister and aeconded by Commisaioner <br />Coplin to approve the September 22 minutee ae read. The <br />motion paeaed. 3 ayee <br />2 abetentions <br />Chairman's Chairman Yeterson diacussed whether or not Winter Broomball <br />�par� leagues should be offered. Following a general discueaion <br />between Staff and Co�i.asioners it was felt [het the poseibili[y <br />of an adu1C broomball league ahould be continued on a trial <br />basis. <br />Councilmen'e <br />Repost <br />Ci[izen Input <br />Co�mcilman 2lebarth welcomed and introduced the new Parks, <br />Recreation and Farestry Director, Bruce Andereon [o the <br />Commiseion. Mr. Mark Achen, City Administra[or Chen outlined <br />a brief resume of Mr. Andersona bflckground. <br />Mr. Russell Pahl, 7940 Greer.field Avenue adreesed [he Comniasion <br />concerning hie feelinga on Capital e�cpenditurea for Ci[y Parke. <br />Mr. Pahl etated the following: <br />1. Expteased dieappointment in the Co�ieeionera 5 year <br />capital improvement plan; i.e. plantings too low as <br />a priority and baseball and hockey are too high. <br />2. Reco�ended [he following activities be expanded upon; <br />horseahoe pita, archexy range, and pathwaye for motor- <br />ized vehiclea. <br />3. Mounde of dirt ehould be placed at each park eite for <br />sliding, aesthetic appeal and other recreational activitles. <br />The Co�iesion thanked Mr. Pahl for h1e input and reaponded <br />thae they would [ake hie coneideratione under advieement for <br />futuze developmente. <br />