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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, <br />RECREATION ANO FORESTFY <br />MEMO T0: Parka and <br />FROM: Staff <br />DATE: April 25, <br />RE: Planter, <br />��t of Mou��s Ve� <br />5 NAMSEYCOUNTY.MINNESOTA <br />Recreation Co�iasioners <br />H40t RIGMwt�v t0 <br />MOUNOS V IE W, MINN. 55112 <br />1978 <br />south of Ci[y Hall Parking LoC <br />At the request oF the Bicentennial Co�ittee in 1976 [his area of City <br />Hall Park was prepared as a flower bed and planted with flowers in the <br />design of the United States flag. In 1977, at the request of a member <br />of this group this area was re-planted with prostrate-type J�mipers <br />which were purchased by thie group. Due to the slow growth rate of <br />this type of planting it will be a number oi years before the area ie <br />completely Filled in. <br />Since this area is very canspicuous from Highway 10 it is felt that [hia <br />planting area would�be put to better use if i[ were more decorative. <br />�'"") Therefore, i[ ie suggestes'. that the area be planted wi[h the initials Af V <br />`" against a contras[ing coloted background; perhaps with a border [o set off <br />the entire area from the aurcoundir.g turf. The "legs" of the letters <br />should be 24 inchea wide so as to be readily visible from fiighway 10. <br />� <br />After having conaidered several alternatives it was decided [hat the <br />following should provide a relatively maintenance free plan[ing, while <br />being decorative and colorful. Letters of white Alyssum, against a <br />background of redwood bark, and if desired, a border of Marigolds. <br />Decorative stones were considered for the background but was rejected <br />becavae of potential damage to the lawn mower, cara and [he lighted aig¢. <br />For the le[ters it is sugges[ed tha[ bedding plants be used and at a spacing <br />of 6" so the lettering will show up fast and thickly. I[ is estimated <br />that 700 bedding planta would be needed. If a border is used it is <br />suggested thaY it be 12 inchea wide and planted with dwarf Marigolds such <br />as Burpie's Brownie Scout Extra Dwarf French Marigolds. I[ is suggested <br />that these also be bedding plants. A spacing of 9 inches is suggested. The <br />es[imated number of plants necessary for the border is 300. <br />The cost of redcrood bark chips (medium or coarse) from R. L. Gould is $3.05 <br />per 3 cubic fee[. The eatima[ed number of bags necessary for a 2" depth of <br />chips, if a border of Marigolds were used, is 29. The cost would be <br />$88.45. Prices for [he bedding plan[s can only be estimated at thie time: <br />51.00 retial for a pack containing 8-12 plan[s (@ 70C wholesale). If there <br />are 10 per pack the cost For [he bedding plan[s, at re[a11, would be $100. <br />The coet of black plastic is estimated at $21.50. The total cost is <br />estimated at $209.95. <br />
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