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t�tYl 1Y1: Mounds View Pasks and Recreacion Co�ission <br />FROM: Bruce K. Mderaon, Direc[or <br />DATE: April 25, 1978 <br />� RE: Monthly npdate - April� 1978 <br />The puxpase of [his report is [o keep [he Yarka and Recrea[ion Commiesionera <br />informed on curzent issues within [he Parka, Recreaeion end Forestry Department <br />that do not need official Commission action. <br />A resource file of related iiems will be placed in the City Hall office and <br />ie available for your revfew upon requesl. <br />John Mo¢a Pzooerty - Ramaey County Pazks and Recreafion Depar[ment recently <br />informed ataff [ha[ the County hae acquired Che Sohn hioga Homestead properLy <br />for a Comty Park. The Moga properry is located on Old Highvay 8 along Rice <br />Creek. <br />0¢e of [he ques[ions [hat the County has aeked us, is the his[orical <br />significance of [he ac[ual buildings. Accoxding [o our research the <br />buildinga are the oldest homes[ead in Che Ci[y of Mounds View, but they <br />are no[ archi[ecturally special. <br />The Co�mty will be recommending tha[ [he buildings be destroyed unless they <br />here othevwise. Zf you have any feelings conceming the restoration of [he <br />buildinge at the Moga propex[y� feel Free to contact oux office. <br />Lakeside Park - The Lakeside Patk program will run similar to past yeare� <br />�mder the direction of the Lakeaide Park Commission. Staff hae been working <br />with Councilmember Rowley to improve [he upcoming awimoing progras which will <br />be three seseions - three weeks in length in 1978. <br />We are very for[una[e to have Park Commieaioner Linke [o serve on both the <br />Ci[y Pazk and Lakeside Park Commiseions. <br />Office Relocation - Staff has moved their offices [o the basement uf City <br />Hall (we prefer to call it [he First floor). The �ve has proved to be a <br />great asset on developing ataff communica[ion as well as a vast improvement <br />over past office accommodations. <br />Joint Co�nunity Education Conference - I will be attending a conference on <br />May 3 and 4 a[ ehe Thunderbird Hotel concerning future coopera[ion between <br />co�unity education and municipal recreation. I will be preparing a report <br />fox [he i!ay Park Commission meeting to bring you up-to-date on the conference <br />highligher, <br />Ed7tewood ,Tr. Hieh - I have enclosed a proposal that will be presented to <br />School Board A621 members next week. As can be noted in the attached proposal <br />the City's share in future years is as follows: <br />1978 - 0 <br />1979 -$25,000 (This is anticipated to be funded by a 5[ate grant) <br />1980 - $5,000 <br />1981 - S6,000 <br />