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, <br />�SS "i ; 'a' �`w�"'ea\�3 <br />�: m,.� :_�� ��� C►f of Mou�ds ��e� <br />� PqMSEVCOVNTY,IJiIIJNE50TA <br />GATEWAV TO THE NORT� oam nim�war ia <br />MOUNf�S V IEW, MIhN. �:!i11 % <br />DEPARTMENT DF VARKS, <br />RECflEATIl1N qNU FOY.:lTNY <br />MEMO T0: Yarke and Reetea[ion Comnineinncrs <br />FROM: Staff <br />UATE: April 25, ]978 <br />RE: Softba]]. tournement policy <br />A softball tournamen[ qucsHonn2lre wac mailed [0 20 m� <br />during the firat week in M1pril. Of the i0 surveys, 14 wexe returned <br />for an excellen[ 70X return rate. A capy of [he survey reeults have <br />been a[tached for youz review. <br />It appeare throug6 etafts personal conversacicns, pae[ experience and <br />the survey results that theie is no pa[[exn or genrrally accepted <br />etandard rournament policy. <br />Theie axe three majoi factoia that determine a tournament policy: <br />1. Exieting demand on facilities. <br />2. Pield location. i.e. neighborhood homes, parking, maintenance and <br />police acceas. <br />3. Commuoities prevailing a[ti[ude co¢ceming [he retreational value <br />of peekend tournamenta. <br />In regards to the beer concesaion issue, a[aEf has epoken wi[h the City <br />Police ChieF who feels that weekend tournam.:n[e wauld not cause any problema <br />from a policing etandpoint. <br />Staff wauld reco�end that a eoftball tournamen[ policy be adopted on <br />a triel baeis io determine if problems vould occur. <br />