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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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�r� TO: Parka and Recrea[ion Commiasioners <br />FROM: StafF <br />DATE: June 26, 1978 <br />RB: Minnesota State Arta Board Propoaal <br />Program Information Update <br />The Mounde View Co��mity Choral Group was eatabliahed during thia Summex <br />Pmgram, 1978. Mr. Roy Rollina is conductor, a Maeters Degree in music and <br />a U of M music instructor. Becky Bollina accompanies. She ie a profeseional <br />muaic acco�anist. Both are coneributing hard work, long houre and energy <br />for the eatablishment of thia program. Mr. d Mra. Rnllina are receiving a <br />mere $200.00 in wages for thia program. Currently, 31 members are in the <br />choir. Rehearsals are held every Monday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m, at Irondale Sr <br />Bigh School choir mom. Auditione are no[ required. A concer[ ia acheduled <br />ior Monday eveniag, July 24. <br />A etate grant pmposal has been vritten for [he con[inuation of a Mounds VSev <br />Co��mity Choral Group. The Ca��mi[y Choral Group is prima[ily a pcogram <br />outlet for peraona who wiah to continue performing and participating in choir <br />and musical endeawrs and pursuite. The goal of ehie program is to provide <br />opportmitiee for lifelong participation in musical interesta. The choir is <br />open [o all who wiah to participate. Auditions are not rnquired. The director <br />of music is Mr. Roy Rollins, a highly qualified music professional. The <br />recreational and educational resules acquirnd by the pazticipants has been <br />tremendous. The piogram has been well received and highly co�rcrended by <br />participants. The goal of the program is to promote lifelong cultural arta <br />leisure recreatioa ac[ivi[ies. Objectives include: <br />1. To offer the par[icipants professional leaderahip of music. <br />2. To develop musical interesta and skills. <br />3. To es[eblish community-participant entertainment. <br />4. To provide pas[ graduatea wi[h an outle[ foz musical pursuite and <br />interesta. <br />5. To establiah co�unity spirit, cooperation and pride. <br />6. To promote leiaure enjoyment through mueical participation. <br />The pmject budget requeat totals $4,440.00. <br />Coe[ iteme. include: <br />Conductor wagea <br />Accompanist wagea <br />Tax 9evenue monies <br />Ticket salee or other <br />In-kiqd contributione <br />Total <br />$1,300.00 <br />520.00 <br />500.00 <br />revenue 600.00 <br />1,520.00 <br />$4,440.00 <br />The coat of thie pmjec[ to the City of Mounde View is $2,620.00 of vhich SS00.00� <br />Ss a cash contribution. The zemaining $2,120.00 in-kind wntribulion�aould. <br />include the adminiatration of the program by tfie Progrem Supervieor of �the Patke�,� <br />Recreation end Poreetty Departmenq pragram printing, choir room facility ueage�� <br />�e of tha achool mueic librariee and uae oE the echool mueicel inetsuoients oueh <br />ae, pieno, end accompanying servicee of the lbwde VSew-Irondele Youth Orc6eatra�. <br />u <br />:% <br />�i <br />,•n <br />s� <br />:,.:.�:f+. <br />Y <br />
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