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DEFARTMENT OF PARKS, <br />RECLtEATION AND FORESTflV <br />July 24, 1978 <br />Cif of �oui�ds �e�( <br />5 flpMSEVCOUNTY,MINNESOTA <br />zam NroNwnv io <br />MOUN�S V IEW, MINN. 55113 <br />I�ffiMO TO: Parks and Recreation Commissioners <br />FROM: StaEf <br />RE: Pazk Shelter Huilding Task Force <br />We mailed out information to each o£ our Task Ebrce members on July 20 <br />welcoming and inviting them to attend our first meeting on Tuesday, <br />August 1. <br />In addition to the attached time line and discussion question memo, we <br />pmpared a packet of information that should provide some background <br />information from which to base their decisions. <br />Please review the attached time line and discussion questions to <br />determine if that is the direction the Co�ission would like to see the <br />Task Force heading in. <br />As this is our first intense experience in dealing with a Task Force and <br />citizen input, I would caution each o£ us that we must believe in the <br />°'process o£ participation" before we begin it. Nothing crould be more <br />damaging to our park shelter bui.lding projects and our image as paxk <br />pmfeasionals than to begin the "open", "sharing", "cononunication", <br />"inwlve�nt" pmcess and then denounce it Sn the middle of the action. <br />We feel that e€£ective pazticipation can prodwe better pmjects, better <br />environments and better understanding for all concerned. <br />Althouqh Covmiissioner Linke is the official Park and Fecreation Oovmiasion <br />rnpresentative, each of you are welcome to attend any of our scheduLed <br />seetings. <br />