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p1Ei� T0: Bruce �r <br />FROM: Jack � <br />DATE: Junx 19, 1978 <br />RE: Farmer's Marke[ (Garden Goodies) <br />I feel our basic f�mction in the operation of the Farmer's Market ahould be <br />minimal. Ne make [he errangement for it to occur, locate an appropriace aite, <br />and advertise ita occurrance. Al[hough it ehould be a self-run operation I <br />feel ehat va ahould keep a check on who are aelling pxoduce. I envisualize <br />it will be done initially by having them sign a roster and listing theic address. <br />From Chen on they aould check off their name each week, and a new sellec would � <br />sign in. This I vould anticipate would [ake an houc. The morning following <br />the market we would have to check to meke certain the area had been cleaned up. . <br />Sach seller would receive on his initial participation a lettez ftom us welcoming <br />hia par[icipation and listiag our requirementa (minimal). <br />The ini[ial idea of [he marke[ was tha[ it would be free Co anyone who wiahed <br />to participate ei[her as a aeller or a buyer. I do not [hink we ahould exclude <br />truck farm operationa because theae would be [he most likely sellexs who could <br />supply vegetables in sufficieat quantities for home canners and likely the <br />only one who could supply certaiu vegetables in any amount, e.g., Hu6bard Squaxh, <br />corn; likevise fruits, e.g., apples. <br />I talked to Joe Pe[erson today, who is familiar with most local operationa of <br />fhis type. No one locally� excep[ S[. Paul and Minneapolis� charge a atall <br />fee and they have a r�arket master. Joe did not feel we should be concexned <br />about large truck fazm operations because [hey would not be interested ir. this <br />type of operation. Small farm operationa would praba6ly participate. but would . <br />complement the local sellers. There has not been any tmuble with bad produce. <br />In one case, a aeller was aelling radishes at 3 bunches for a quarter becauae � <br />some were infected with radish maggota, but the seller was telling the buyers . <br />of [he situation. The price alone ehould have been enough oi a hint. ', <br />Attached is a preliffinary draft of the letter I thought we would hand out to - ' <br />nev sellere. Pexhaps we ahould add aomething on wt�at �anrtot be sold, e.g., .. <br />handicraft 1[ems. Soe said he v3Z1 be sending me one which has been uaed at tfie <br />Haplewood operation. � <br />I diecussed the day of [he week vith h1m and he told me Thureday would be a good <br />day, to ahich I agreed. It wuld allov home canning of the purchasea without <br />iaterfering vith veekend operation. Joe auggeats Suly 13th as the ficat day. <br />
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