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co.rsu�.x_:G S�RVZC�3 .-.G'�56:3?�P <br />:O? C.2Y :7I7� <br />�.-,vav� � ? n.... �.,,. �, n nJ.4 <br />CCi�pn.::._:.,.ol r' .l�.o & 0:...v _ n � L.�:: U_ Td <br />KC'.^:DS VIz'.T. 3iI::?ii:30T? <br />tiov2r,u?L 1', 1979 <br />pR0.78� D�SCAIPTION <br />.: Tie updzte of the L!oaads 7iew Co�prenznsive Par's an3 Cp=n 3oace <br />21an. <br />SCCP° 03 PRQTSCT <br />The pro:essional services o` 5:;.7P:Dr�iS-T.i?S,D�2i &:,SSOCIATSS, YYC. <br />shall be as follo�:s: <br />I. Ia•�entory o£ th= existiny Mounds Vie-a 2arks aad Recreation <br />facilities. <br />II, Vpdate and sur.�tari�e the 1970 Compreher.sive Pzrks and Opan <br />Space Plan comp'_eted by Brauer & t-.ssocia:e�. This •aill be <br />presentafi as a ne�+ r,.aster plan re?ort o:hic^ will ir.clude <br />all the infor.�u :ion developefl in this <br />IZI, Devsloament of �ark r..aster coacept a2zns 'o_ niae�ir.di-• ' <br />viuual neighborhood gark sites. This �;i11 in_c1ud� full <br />color, fornal �:es=nta�icn boarAs and 8x :c 11 rencodueible <br />cooies. This nhase shall also include the orepazation <br />o£ zn eaviron:aeatzl anzlysis oP each o� tha ni^e r.eighbor- <br />hood par:cs. Th3s ar.alysis siall undate aveilable data <br />relatad to- soils, hycirolo�l, tonogre??zy, reqetation., <br />drai:age, access, util?ties and ur.iaue�characteristics. <br />The folloo�ing vzrks zre include3: <br />Ardan Perk 3.8 acres City 3a11 P•�rc 12.9 acres <br />C:eenfield Park 35.5 acres Gro•lelaad Pzr:: 4.1 acres <br />Hillvie:u Park 3.? acres ��ioodcrest Perk 2.0 acres <br />Lambert Park 3.2 acres Randon P=rk 2.0 acres <br />Oakwood Pzrk 2.M1 acres � <br />IV. Cost eatimates for z11 nroaosed par'.c develo�mer.t tuill be <br />pzio.iti:ed in a fi•�e year capital improve:^.ent plan. <br />V. De•ielopmenr of an ex[ensive conr.iunity survev w'�ic:: s5z21 <br />be printad, distributed a^d collate? by tha City o_° Alounds <br />Vie�o to dotermine a parY, r.Ped� asaeas.^.,_r.t _o: eaci o_° <br />thr, neigiiborhon3 oarks tu b= £ollo:asd ug with a ninirnia <br />of �ive publlc .*.earir.�s to rev.iew the n=_st_r comorehensive <br />;)ie�. Tf1389 neetinga s'�a11 incicC:e "break-eo;ar." s�ssioas <br />wit:i naighbors ?roT eacn par.F; erea di�c•issiag their coa- <br />cern3 for hhelr oe:k. <br />