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Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes <br />12/4/80 <br />Page 2 <br />Lakeside Park (continued} Donna Bowman su�gested that lots of pressure be put <br />on the Ramsey County Commissioners for support. <br />Commissioner Jerry Linke made a motion directing staff <br />to help Lakeside Park Commission in the way oF letters� <br />etc. to assist in the inFluence directed to Ramsey <br />County take-over. Commissioner Gordon Kuluvar seconded <br />the motion. Motion passed. <br />9 ayes <br />0 nayes <br />Silver View Park Update Director Anderson reviewed the tract map. <br />Gordon Fedor made a motion to request the City Council <br />to approve the Phase I development of Silver View Park <br />in the Spring of 1981 with the first step being to <br />interview and select a design construction firm. <br />Serry Linke seconded the motion. <br />9 ayes <br />0 nayes <br />City Wide Park System Commissioner Frank Silvis moved, and Commissioner Linke <br />Master Plan - semnded the motion [a accep[ the Ci[y Wide Park Sys[em <br />M:is[er Plan wich [he sugges[ion [ha[ the Planning Com- <br />mission adopt this documet as a chapter in the City Mas- <br />[er Plan. Mo[ion passed. 9 ayes � <br />0 nayes <br />Citizen ad-hoc mmmittee <br />on youth athletics <br />Winter/Spring Urochure <br />Park Referendum Final <br />Report <br />Staff Report <br />Adjournment <br />Director Anderson reviewed the concept. Jerry Linke <br />volunteered to serve as a Commission representative. <br />Wayne Burmeister made a motion to approve the pursuit <br />and formation of the ad-hoc committee on youth athletics. <br />Jerry Linke seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br />9 ayes <br />0 nayes <br />Program Supervisor Kvalheim reviewed the winter activities.� <br />brochure. Commissioner Linke requested adult evening <br />excursion programs in the future. <br />The Co`mnission took this time to look retrospectively on <br />the referendum projeci. Future plans were discussed <br />wi[h no decisions being made. <br />Hruce Anderson revieved the stafF report. <br />City Councilmember Ziebarth took this opportunity to <br />extend his appreciation to the Coimnission for their <br />work and efforts on hehalf of the community. <br />The movie "Two Ball Games" was shown. <br />� <br />Commissioner Gordon Kuluvar made a motion to adjourn. <br />Coimnissioner Linke seconded the motion. Meeting <br />adjourned at 9:30 p.m. <br />