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Park and Recreation Commission Meeting <br />Page 2 <br />October 22, 1981 <br />� <br />SILVER VIEW UPDATE Director Fnderson reviewed the update report. One change from the <br />(continued) original design is the lack of 30,000 cubic yard5 of qo�aa fi17. <br />To compensate, the soccer fields have been lowered a' nq with the <br />parking lot area. <br />There may be a possibility of having left over money after the <br />completion of the develooment project. In such a case, staff re- <br />quested that the Conmission keep in mind adding amenities such a5: <br />1) Wild flowers. <br />2) Aeratnr for pond. <br />3) Pave the Parking Lot. <br />4) �ituminous surface for the trails. <br />PARK SHELTER BUILDING DSrector Anderson reviewed the report for shelter building remoµ""�- <br />The recomnendation is to retain Greenfieid buildina for park equ��.;-- <br />ment storage and se71 the other shelters,�assuming no communit,y � <br />organization or club is interested. <br />A�tion was made by Donna �owman to donate the Oakwood Park shelter <br />building to the Frontier Club, considering that they will be re- <br />sponsible for the complete clean up of the bu6lding apd site. <br />The motion was seconded by Lloyd Scott. Motion passed. � <br />8 ayes <br />0 nayes <br />LAMBERT PARK <br />SHELTER BUILDING <br />Frenk Silvis made a motion to donate the buildings to any community <br />service organization that may want the buildings. The motion was <br />seconded by Marilynne Dennehy. Motion passed. <br />8 ayes <br />0 nayes <br />Director Anderson reported that the bid for the Lambert Shelter � : <br />Building has been awarded to f,ame Time Inc. The footings for the "� .;._,,. <br />building wi17 be poured in early November. a��j <br />� � , �>,`r:'��. <br />