<br /> Combined 2006 Budget All Funds
<br /> Special Debt Capital Total Total
<br /> Cenenl Revenue Sen~ice Projeds G overnment Enterprise All
<br /> Fund FIIIIdS F01BL4 Funds Fi~dS Funds Funds
<br />Rcvcnnes:
<br />Pmpcny taxes S 3,647,656 S - S 190,678 S - S 3,636,334 5 - S 3,638,334
<br />Tax inpamrnis - 2,093,032 - - 2,093,032 - 2,093,032
<br />All other woes 365,000 - - 265,000 630,000 - 630,000
<br />Specal assessmrnts - - 103,920 48,000 151,920 - 151,920
<br />Licenses & pm'mits 157,290 - - - 167?90 - 187,390
<br />IntergovemmenW:
<br />Federal grants 6,000 6,000 - - 12,000 - 12,000
<br />Smtc gcneml purpose ~ - - - - -
<br />State ratcgorical aid 212,971 3,980 - 100,000 316,951 316,951
<br />County grants 24,174 - - 24,174 - 24,174
<br />OOscr bees! govt. 58,400 77,118 - 75,516 - 75,516
<br />Charge for smites:
<br />Culture and recreation 316,960 - 316,980 - 316,980
<br />Utility service charges _ - - x,367,100 x,367,100
<br />Miseellanaus 27,950 - - 27,950 - 27,950
<br />Fines 53,600 7,100 - - 60,700 60,700
<br />inveslmrntinwme 60,000 294,037 1,500 170,300 525,837 131,010 656,847
<br />MiscrJlantous:
<br />Otitc 47,700 437,443 - 665,000 1,350,143 1,350,143
<br />Tahl revenues S 4666567 S 3199,864 S ?96,096 S 1,448,300 S 9,610,829 S 2,496,170 S 12,108,939
<br /> Espcaditures:
<br /> General govemmmt:
<br /> Personal services 863,621 _ _ - 663,821 - 863,821
<br /> Supplies 28,750 - - - 28,750 - 2H,750
<br /> Conuactual saviacs 335,152 - - 2,000 337,152 - 337,162
<br /> Capital outlay 39,500 - - 1,747,000 1,786,500 - 1,786,500
<br /> Public safety
<br /> Personal services 1,676,932 6,000 - - 1,662,932 - 1,682,932
<br /> Supplies 65,610 5,350 - - 70,960 - 70,960
<br /> Contrararalsrnsca 460,914 ?,200 - - 463,ti4 - 463,114
<br /> Capita outlay 70,673 7,200 - 1,330,560 1,408,373 - 1,406,373
<br /> Public works
<br /> Persoaat services 376,904 - - - 376,904 60?,074 978,978
<br /> Supplies 122,541 - 12,541 103.493 226,034
<br /> Contractual sdvices 151,773 i
<br />25,000 116,773 !,?20,604 1,397,377
<br /> Depreciation 413,000 413,000
<br /> Capital outlay 769,000 1,695,000 1,864,000 417,140 2,281,140
<br /> Saniution
<br /> Personas services 8,474 - - 8,474 - 8,474
<br /> Contractual swiccs 15,700 - - 15,700 - 15,700
<br /> Culture and recreation:
<br /> Personal srnices 210,153 90,431 - - 300,584 - 300 584
<br /> Supplies 50,950 17,155 - - 68,105 - 68,105
<br /> Contractual services 236,390 275,958 - - 512,346 - 512,348
<br /> Depreciation - - - -
<br /> Capital outlay 158,000 35,400 565,600 759,000 - 759,000
<br /> Economic devdapment -
<br /> Personalservices - 90,157 - - 90,]57 - 90,157
<br /> Supplies - 500 - SOD - 500
<br /> Contraemalsavices - 1,593,563 - - 1593563 - 1,593,563
<br /> Capital auday - 375,000 - - 375,000 - 375,000
<br /> Miscellaneous
<br /> Personal smites 8,000 - - - 8,000 - 8,~0
<br /> Contractual services 758,165 - - 156,165 - 156,165
<br /> Debt principal 86,196 - 293,000 - 379,196 175,000 .554,196
<br /> Intcest and fiscal charge 70,316 - 122,883 - 193,199 51,643 244,842
<br /> Total a:peaditures 5 339,710 2523,086 415,683 5,365,160 13,643.841 2,962,954 16,626,795
<br /> Surplus of revenues over
<br /> (under)erprnditares (673,143) 676,776 (119,785) (3,916,860) (4,033,012) (484,844) (4,517,856)
<br /> Other fmaaciag sources (use) .
<br /> Opertng transfers in 979,143 7,415,608 780,000 - 2,574,751 - 2,574,751
<br /> Bonds issued _. - - - 2,614,560 2,614,560 - 2,614,566
<br /> Operating nansfas out (306,000) (2,439,270) (lO5,W0) (2,850,2>0) (158~95) (3.008,565)
<br /> Total otbcr financing sources (uses) 673,143 (1,023,6621 160,000 2,509.560 2,339,041 (156,295) ?,160,746
<br /> Net c6aage fa Pond balance
<br /> or apt assets - (346,886) 60,2(5 (7,407,300) (1,693,971) (643,139) (?,337,110)
<br /> Add back capslnl ou0ay & debt principal - - - - - 592,140 592,140
<br /> Fund bnlaneq January l: 2464,405 8311,433 602542 7,205,P? 18,584,102 I1330,4?3 29,914,525
<br />
<br />• Fund balance, December 3l 2,464,405 7,964,547 662,757 5,798,41 16.890,131 1ir79,424 28,169555
<br />Combined Wdecl as funds IrJa/10a54:19 PM
<br />