<br />•
<br />•
<br />Debt Service Funds 2006 Budgets
<br />Combining Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
<br />Revenue:
<br />Taxes:
<br />Property taxes
<br />Tax increment
<br />Spec assess prepayments
<br />Spec assess current
<br />Miscellaneous:
<br />Investment income
<br />Total revenue
<br />Expenditures:
<br />Debt service:
<br />Principal
<br />Interest
<br />Paying agent fees
<br />Continuing disclosure fees
<br />Total expenditures
<br />Surplus of revenue
<br />over (under) expenditures
<br />TIF GO
<br />Revenue Improv.
<br />Bonds Bonds Total
<br />2001A 2004 00 200
<br />- 190,678 190,678 187,060
<br />- 103,920 103,920 122,764
<br />1,000 S00 1,500 2,000
<br />1,000 295,098 296,098 311,824
<br />
<br />68,000 225,000 293,000 562,000
<br />52,163 67,820 119,983 141,759
<br />2,400 27S 2,675 3,275
<br />- 225 22S 675.
<br />122,563 293,320 415,883 707,709
<br />
<br />_(121,563) _ _ 1,778 _(119,785) ^ (39S,88S)
<br />Other financing sources:
<br />Operating transfers in 157,814 - 157,814 180,000
<br />Total other financing sources 157,814 - IS7,814 180,000
<br />Net change in fund balance 36,ZS1 1,778 38,029 (21S,88S)
<br />Fund balance, January 1 11 S,26S 200,440 283,516 596,208
<br />Fund balance, December 31 1S1,S16 202,218 321,S4S 380,323
<br />12!8/2005 8:34 AM
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