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Item No: 07H <br />MOUNDS t T7 Meeting Date: Aua 26, 2013 <br />�/1 Type of Business: Council Business <br />City of Mounds View Staff Report <br />To: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />From: James Ericson, City Administrator <br />Item Title/Subject: Approval of Resolution 8143 Authorizing Fire Inspection <br />Services Agreement with the Spring Lake Park Fire Dept. <br />Introduction: <br />As the Council is aware, the City's Housing and Code Enforcement Inspector, who also <br />served as the City's Fire Marshal, resigned from his position in July of this year, leaving the <br />City without anyone on staff capable or certified to conduct fire inspections and perform <br />other fire marshal duties. Fire Chief Zikmund, at no additional cost to the City, has <br />provided one of his employees to assist with various inspections while the City undergoes <br />its recruitment process. The individual ultimately hired to replace the former employee does <br />not have the requisite certifications or experience to conduct fire inspections, thus <br />necessitating a supplemental agreement with the fire department for provision of such <br />services. <br />Discussion: <br />The City of Mounds View has had a fire marshal either on staff or under contract for more <br />than twenty years. Chief Zikmund is quick to point out that the City's ongoing investment in <br />prevention efforts and inspections have resulted in lower fire protection costs and a <br />reduction in property damage. To ensure the inspections and other fire marshal services <br />continue without interruption, Chief Zikmund has offered to provide the services to the City <br />on a contract basis, as has been done in the past. The agreement attached would provide <br />inspection and fire marshal services at the flat rate of $50 per hour, with an anticipated <br />annual workload of approximately 300 hours. Assuming 300 hours, the budgetary impact <br />would be $15,000. (The agreement contemplates a range of hours which, at the top end, <br />would exceed 300 hours. Staff does not believe this will be the case.) <br />Recommendation: <br />Staff recommends the City Council approve Resolution 8143, a Resolution authorizing an <br />agreement with the Spring Lake Park Fire Department for the provision of Fire Inspection <br />and fire Marshal services to the City of Mounds View, beginning on September 1, 2013. <br />The proposed 2014 budget already accounts for these additional expenditures. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />J6,vtw <br />James Ericson <br />City Administrator <br />