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Item No: 5A <br />MMOUNDS <br />/�O7 n►��+ v�L't�T Meeting Date: March 18, 2015 <br />�. NDS L.�V Type of Business: Public Hearing <br />City of Mounds View Staff Report <br />To: Mounds View Planning Commission <br />From: Heidi Heller, Planning Associate <br />Item Title/Subject: Consideration of a 4.5 foot Variance to Allow a 20.5 Foot Tall <br />Ground Sign at 2704 County Road 10; Planning Case VR2015- <br />001 <br />Introduction: <br />The applicant, George Winiecki, owner of 2704 County Road 10, is requesting a variance to allow the <br />existing ground sign to be expanded 4.5 feet, to 20.5 feet tall. The Zoning Code indicates that no <br />ground sign in a business district may exceed 16 feet in height. <br />Discussion: <br />According to the Municipal Code, Section 1008.09, Subdivision 3, ground signs are limited to a height <br />of no more than 16 feet without a variance. The applicant owns the building at 2704 County Road 10 <br />and operates his insurance agency here. He also rents some of the building to a few different <br />tenants who have their business information on the sign. Mr. Winiecki has an existing ground sign <br />that is 16.5 feet tall with a brick base. He wants to reconfigure the sign panels and possibly add an <br />electronic sign. Since his ground sign meets the current sign code in regards to it already having <br />masonry on it, Mr. Winiecki can change more than just the panels on his sign. He intends to keep <br />the existing brick base and the sign frame, and just change the sizes of the individual businesses <br />sign panels. He feels that in order to best meet his and his tenant's sign needs, the ground sign <br />should be four feet taller. The applicant's sign is currently 104 square feet, within the allowed 200 <br />square feet. The sign could instead be widened and then would not need a variance. The cost to <br />change the sign base and frame in order to support a wider sign is high, and the applicant has <br />chosen to apply for a height variance instead. <br />Variance Considerations: <br />For the City to approve this variance, as with any variance request, there needs to be demonstrated <br />practical difficulty associated with the property that makes a literal interpretation of the Code overly <br />burdensome or restrictive to a property owner. State statutes require that the governing body (the <br />Planning Commission) review a set of specified criteria for each application and make its decision in <br />accordance with these criteria. The City has set these criteria in Section 1125.02, Subdivision 2, of <br />the City Code. The Code clearly states that a hardship exists when all of the criteria are met. The <br />individual criteria and a staff comment about each are as follows: <br />a. The variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of these regulations. <br />The property at 2704 County Road 10 is a commercial property that fronts the main commercial <br />corridor through the city, which is not unique. The sign code was amended in 2013 to lower the <br />height limits of all the ground signs in business and industrial zoning districts down to 16 feet in <br />order to improve the aesthetics of the County Road 10 corridor. <br />