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2704 County Road 10 Variance Report <br />March 18, 2015 <br />Page 3 <br />Based upon the review of the above criteria, it appears to staff that the requested variance does not <br />satisfy the practical difficulty threshold as the basis for the variance request is primarily for financial <br />reasons. Staff has drafted resolutions of both denial and approval for the Commission to consider. <br />Public Hearing: <br />As with any requested variance, a public hearing is required. City staff mailed notices to all property <br />owners within 350 feet of 2704 County Road 10. <br />Recommendation: <br />After holding the public hearing and taking testimony from staff, the applicant and any neighbors, the <br />Commission should take one of the following actions: <br />1. Approve the variance as requested. Resolution 1021-15 (approval version) is attached for the <br />Commission's approval if they so choose. <br />2. Deny the requested variance. Resolution 1021-15 (denial version) is attached for the <br />Commission's approval if they so choose. <br />J <br />3. Table the request. If the Commission needs more information before making a decision or if <br />more discussion is needed, the Commission can table the request until they are provided such <br />information. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Heidi Heller <br />Planning Associate <br />Attachments: <br />1. Zoning Map <br />2. Aerial Photo <br />3. Drawing of Proposed Sign Expansion <br />4. Letter from Applicant <br />5. Photographic Documentation <br />6. Resolution 1021-15 <br />