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Resolution 1021-15 <br />Page 2 <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly -noticed public hearing regarding this <br />request on March 18, 2015; and, <br />WHEREAS, according to Section 1125.02, Subdivision 2 of the Mounds View Municipal <br />Code, the Planning Commission is to review a standard set of criteria, of which all must be <br />satisfied, in order to grant a variance to the Zoning Code. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Mounds View Planning Commission finds thatthe <br />criteria as identified in Section 1125.02, Subdivision 2 of the Mounds View Municipal Code are <br />satisfied and finds there to be sufficient practical difficulty with regard to the property located at <br />2704 County Road 10, and makes the following findings of fact related to its decision: <br />8. The general intent of the Zoning Code regarding signage limits is for aesthetic reasons. The <br />requested additional signage still meets the general purpose and intent of the zoning code. <br />9. The variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan in that the applicant is trying to <br />keep the business successful. <br />10. The applicant is requesting this variance because the building now has additional tenants <br />who need their business information on the sign. <br />11. The unique feature of this property is the style of the building as it looks like a house rather <br />than an office building and signage is very important to direct new and existing customers to <br />the building. <br />12.The additional sign height will not alter the existing commercial character of the <br />neighborhood. <br />13. The variance requested is the minimum variance the applicant feels is required to provide <br />the suitable amount of signage and alleviate the applicant's practical difficulty. <br />14. The Planning Commission may impose conditions upon the premises as may be necessary <br />to comply with city standards and to minimize the effect of such variance upon other <br />properties in the neighborhood. <br />