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MOUNDS VfE-W Item 9, 14 <br />Meeting Date: March 1N : 5A <br />Type of Business: Planning Case <br />City of Mounds View Staff Report <br />To: Mounds View Planning Commission <br />From: Heidi Heller, Planning Associate <br />Item Title/Subject: Consideration of a Minor Subdivision at 3033 Bronson; <br />Planning Case M12014-001 <br />Introduction: <br />Rick Beyer, owner of 3033 Bronson Drive, has applied for a minor subdivision to split the lot in <br />half. This subdivision would create one additional lot, and the applicant plans to build a house <br />on the new vacant lot to sell. The applicant has submitted a Certificate of Survey that shows <br />the subdivision. <br />Discussion: <br />A minor subdivision is a division of land less than two acres in which no more than one <br />additional lot is created. 3033 Bronson Drive currently has a house and detached garage on <br />the property. The house is on the west side of the lot so it can remain after the subdivision, <br />but the garage is in the center of the lot and will need to be removed. The applicant will move <br />the curb cut and driveway to the west side of the existing house. <br />The lot is zoned R-1, Single Family Residential and the Comprehensive Plan designates this <br />area for low density residential. Both of the new lots are interior lots. The minimum lot width <br />for interior residential parcels is 75 feet and the minimum lot area is 11,000 square feet, and <br />corner lots must be a minimum of 100 feet wide and 12,500 square feet. Below is a table <br />which shows the dimensions and square footage for the parcels before and as a result of the <br />proposed subdivision: <br />As this table shows, the proposed lots still exceed all city standards. <br />Park Dedication Requirements. <br />Subdivisions of land are subject to park dedication requirements consistent with Chapter 1204 <br />of the City Code. Staff suggests the park dedication fee be based only on the land value of <br />the new vacant lot since there has been a house at 3033 Bronson Drive since 1947. For <br />minor subdivisions the park dedication fee is typically 5% of the current year market value as <br />determined by Ramsey County. In this case for 2013, the land value per square foot is $1.57 <br />x 19,096 sq. feet = $29,981 x 5% = $1,499 park dedication fee. The City Council will make <br />the final determination on the park dedication fee amount. This fee must be paid prior to the <br />City giving the applicant the approved documentation for recording with Ramsey County. <br />Before <br />Area Sq. Feet <br />After <br />Area Sq. feet <br />Parcel A <br />38,197 square feet <br />19,101 square feet <br />0.8769 acres <br />0.4385 acres <br />159.7'x 240' <br />79.85'x 240' <br />Parcel B <br />NA <br />19,096 square feet <br />0.4384 acres <br />79.85'x 240' <br />As this table shows, the proposed lots still exceed all city standards. <br />Park Dedication Requirements. <br />Subdivisions of land are subject to park dedication requirements consistent with Chapter 1204 <br />of the City Code. Staff suggests the park dedication fee be based only on the land value of <br />the new vacant lot since there has been a house at 3033 Bronson Drive since 1947. For <br />minor subdivisions the park dedication fee is typically 5% of the current year market value as <br />determined by Ramsey County. In this case for 2013, the land value per square foot is $1.57 <br />x 19,096 sq. feet = $29,981 x 5% = $1,499 park dedication fee. The City Council will make <br />the final determination on the park dedication fee amount. This fee must be paid prior to the <br />City giving the applicant the approved documentation for recording with Ramsey County. <br />
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