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03-12-2018 CC
City Council
Agenda Packets
03-12-2018 CC
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1/28/2025 4:46:55 PM
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6/13/2018 11:21:02 AM
MV Commission Documents
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City Council
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Agenda Packets
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Section 2. Findings for the Adoption and Approval of the Redevelopment Plan Modification. <br />2.01. The Council approves the Redevelopment Plan Modification, and specifically finds that: <br />(a) the land within the Project Area would not be available for redevelopment without the financial aid to <br />be sought under this Redevelopment Plan; (b) the Redevelopment Plan, as modified, will afford <br />maximum opportunity, consistent with the needs of the City as a whole, for the development of the <br />Project Area by private enterprise; and (c) that the Redevelopment Plan, as modified, conforms to the <br />general plan for the development of the City as a whole. <br />Section 3. Findings for the Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-6. <br />3.01. The Council hereby finds that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-6 is in the public <br />interest and is a "housing district" under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subd. 11 of the Act. <br />3.02. The Council further finds that the proposed development would not occur solely through <br />private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future, that the Plans conform to the general plan for <br />the development or redevelopment of the City as a whole; and that the Plans will afford maximum <br />opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development or redevelopment <br />of the District by private enterprise. <br />3.03. The Council further finds, declares and determines that the City made the above findings <br />stated in this Section and has set forth the reasons and supporting facts for each determination in writing, <br />attached hereto as Exhibit A. <br />Section 4. Public Purpose. <br />4.01. The adoption of the Plans conform in all respects to the requirements of the Act and will <br />help fulfill a need to develop an area of the City which is already built up, to provide housing <br />opportunities, to improve the tax base and to improve the general economy of the State and thereby serves <br />a public purpose. For the reasons described in Exhibit A, the City believes these benefits directly derive <br />from the tax increment assistance provided under the TIF Plan. A private developer will receive only the <br />assistance needed to make this development financially feasible. As such, any private benefits received <br />by a developer are incidental and do not outweigh the primary public benefits. <br />Section 5. Approval and Adoption of the Plans. <br />5.01. The Plans, as presented to the Council on this date, including without limitation the <br />findings and statements of objectives contained therein, are hereby approved, ratified, established, and <br />adopted and shall be placed on file in the office of the City Administrator. <br />5.02. The staff of the City, the City's advisors and legal counsel are authorized and directed to <br />proceed with the implementation of the Plans and to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Council <br />for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary for this purpose. <br />5.03 The Auditor of Ramsey County is requested to certify the original net tax capacity of the <br />District, as described in the Plans, and to certify in each year thereafter the amount by which the original <br />net tax capacity has increased or decreased; and the EDA is authorized and directed to forthwith transmit <br />this request to the County Auditor in such form and content as the Auditor may specify, together with a <br />list of all properties within the District, for which building permits have been issued during the 18 months <br />immediately preceding the adoption of this resolution. <br />
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