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CRITERIA FOR GOAL STATEMENTS <br /> 1. Goals are written statements of general leadership directions,policies,and <br /> priorities which serve to guide the council/board and staff decision- <br /> making and resource-allocation processes. <br /> 2. Goals should be written from a perspective of three to five years. <br /> 3. Goals should relate to the council's/board's vision for the <br /> organization/community and produce a major impact or outcome(s) <br /> yielding future benefits and not just reactions to crises. <br /> 4. Goals should deal with factors that are "above and beyond" routine <br /> operations or service delivery. <br /> 5. There must be a reasonable probability of attainment. <br /> 6. Goals statements should be clear, focused, and precise. <br /> 7. Each goals statement should begin with an action word (verb) unless the <br /> focus is on critical outcomes that must be achieved. <br />