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Mr. Marty stated if we put a minimum price on the lot, appraised at$35,000, and we put a <br /> $45,000 minimum on the bids, is this viable? <br /> Steve stated the minimum value is $35,000, we still are going to get bids that may come in over <br /> that. Calls are received daily requesting information for this lot. The demand could be high and <br /> go up to $45,000. We may run into a problem and get less quality bids for housing design, or <br /> what may actually be built on the site. <br /> Mr. Marty stated the property should be sold for$40,000. <br /> Motion/Second: Marty/Stigney. To approve request for 6991 Pleasant View Housing Program <br /> to set the minimum bids to reflect $40,000. <br /> Ayes - 4. Nays - 0. <br /> Mayor Coughlin closes meeting at 10:34. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> James Merrill <br /> 25 U:\CARIS\COUNCIL\MINUTES\MVCC22.MAR <br />