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MOUNDS VIEW ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 99-EDA108 <br /> A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDED <br /> DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WITH MICHAEL INVESTMENTS REGARDING <br /> THE BUILDING N PROJECT <br /> It is hereby resolved by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the Mounds View <br /> Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: <br /> 1. Recitals. <br /> (a) The Authority has the powers provided in Minnesota Statutes, Sections <br /> 469.124 to 469.134 and 469.090 to 469.108 (collectively, the "Act"). <br /> (b) Pursuant to and in furtherance of the objectives of the Act, the Authority has <br /> undertaken a program to promote development and redevelopment of certain land within <br /> the City of Mounds View and in this connection is engaged in carrying out the Mounds <br /> View Economic Development Project (the "Project") within the City. <br /> (c) There has been approved pursuant to the Act a Project Plan for the Project. <br /> (d) The redevelopment and development of property within the Project by private <br /> developers are stated objectives of the Project Plan. <br /> (e) In order to achieve the objectives of the Project Plan, the Authority has <br /> determined to provide substantial aid and assistance through the financing of certain of <br /> the public costs of development. <br /> (f) Michael Investments (The "Developer"), has presented the Authority with <br /> proposals for the completion of certain improvements within the Project, consisting <br /> generally of an approximately 97,000 square foot building, or an approximately 69,000 <br /> square foot building and a certain amended Development Assistance Agreement <br /> between the Authority and the Developer (the "Development Agreement") stating the <br /> terms and conditions thereof and the Authority's responsibilities respecting the <br /> assistance thereof has been presented to the Board for its consideration. <br /> 2. The Board hereby determines that the Authority's execution and performance of the <br /> amended Development Agreement would be in furtherance of the Project Plan and hereby <br /> approves the amended Development Agreement substantially in the form presented to the <br /> Board and hereby authorizes the officers of the Authority in their discretion and at such time, if <br /> any, as they may deem appropriate to execute the same on behalf of the Authority, with such <br /> additions and modifications as those officers may deem desirable or necessary, as evidenced <br /> by their execution thereof. <br /> 3. Upon execution and delivery of the amended Development Agreement, the officers <br /> and employees of the Authority (including members of the City staff, acting in their capacity as <br /> staff to the Authority as well) are hereby authorized and directed to take or cause to be taken <br /> such actions as may be appropriate or necessary on behalf of the Authority to implement the <br /> amended Development Agreement, including without limitation issuance of the EDA Note and <br /> execution of the Certificate of Completion under the amended Development Agreement. <br />