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office/flex/service facilities, to be located on the Development <br /> Property within the Tax Increment Finance District, and all other <br /> improvements, including walks, landscaping, utility improvements <br /> and relocations, and fixtures and equipment, to be constructed or <br /> installed upon the Development Property in connection with and in <br /> order to facilitate the above described improvements . <br /> "Party" means either the Developer or the Authority, as the <br /> context may require. <br /> "Parties" means the Developer and the Authority. <br /> "Public Improvements" means the public infrastructure <br /> improvements for the Improvements described in Section 3 . 2 and <br /> Exhibit D. <br /> "Site Improvements" means the site improvements for the <br /> Improvements described in Section 3 . 2 and Exhibit E . <br /> "State" means the State of Minnesota. <br /> "Tax Increment Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469 . 174 <br /> through 469 . 179, as the same may be amended or supplemented. <br /> "Tax Increments" means those tax increments which the <br /> Authority shall be entitled to receive and retain, and which the <br /> Authority shall have actually received, from Ramsey County from <br /> time to time from the Tax Increment Financing District pursuant to <br /> the Tax Increment Act; provided that the term "Tax Increments" <br /> shall specifically not include any amounts of tax increment <br /> generated by the Tax Increment Financing District which pursuant <br /> to the applicable terms of the Tax Increment Act (as it may exist <br /> or be amended from time to time) may be required to be paid to or <br /> reserved for the State of Minnesota, Ramsey County, or any other <br /> entity or official; and "Available Tax Increments" means 90% of the <br /> Tax Increments generated by the portion of the tax capacity of the <br /> Development Property which exceeds $22 , 342 . <br /> "Tax Increment Financing District" means the Authority' s Tax <br /> Increment Financing District No. 1 (which has also been sometimes <br /> referred to as Tax Increment Redevelopment District No. 1) within <br /> the Development District, as now under the governance and control <br /> of the Authority, as described in Section 2 . 1 (c) . <br /> "Unavoidable Delays" means any delay outside the control of <br /> the Party claiming its occurrence which is the direct result of <br /> strikes, other labor troubles, unusually severe or prolonged bad <br /> weather, unavailability of materials, Acts of God, fire or other <br /> casualty to the Improvements, litigation (including without <br /> limitation bankruptcy proceedings) and which directly results in <br /> delays; or acts of any federal, state or local governmental unit <br /> which directly result in delays . <br /> 334455.6 1-3 <br />