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ARTICLE III <br /> THE IMPROVEMENTS <br /> Section 3 . 1 . Undertakings of the Developer. Subject to <br /> Unavoidable Delays, the Developer agrees to exercise reasonable <br /> effort to cause the Improvements to be completed. The Authority <br /> acknowledges that the Developer' s ability to construct the <br /> Improvements is subject to current market conditions, including <br /> without limitation the availability of tenants, owners and <br /> financing and that the Developer is not obligated to cause the <br /> construction of the Improvements on a speculation basis . Pursuant <br /> to prior agreement of the Parties the Authority retained the <br /> services of Dahlen & Dwyer to prepare an appraisal (the <br /> "Appraisal") of the fair market value of the Development Property <br /> based on its present state and the type of use represented by the <br /> Improvements . The fair market value of the Development Property is <br /> determined to be $615, 000 pursuant to the Appraisal . The Developer <br /> shall pay or reimburse the Authority for the $1, 500 cost of the <br /> Appraisal. The Authority has provided the Developer with a copy of <br /> the completed Appraisal . <br /> Section 3 . 2 . Undertakings of the Authority. The Developer <br /> hereby represents to the Authority that the Developer has incurred <br /> and paid or will incur and pay the Development Costs, hereby <br /> defined to be the sum of (1) the current fair market value of the <br /> Development Property, being $615, 000, as indicated in the <br /> Appraisal; (2) the demonstrated costs of the public infrastructure <br /> improvements (the "Public Improvements" ) described in Exhibit D, <br /> but only if and to the extent the costs thereof are unreimbursed <br /> expenses of the Developer which are not repayable by special <br /> assessment or other means; and (3) the demonstrated and <br /> unreimbursed costs of the Developer incurred in making the <br /> necessary site improvements (the "Site Improvements" ) to the <br /> Development Property in connection with the completion of the <br /> Improvements, as described in Exhibit E. The Authority hereby <br /> agrees to defray the Developer' s Development Costs via the issuance <br /> of the EDA Note in the maximum principal amount equal to the lesser <br /> of (1) $1, 200, 000 or the (2) sum of the demonstrated costs of the <br /> Site Improvements and the Public Improvements (unless specifically <br /> assessed) plus the $615, 000 fair market value of the Development <br /> Property under the Appraisal . The EDA Note shall be issued to the <br /> Developer (or to such other person or entity as the Developer shall <br /> have theretofore designated in writing to the Authority as the <br /> initial registered owner of the EDA Note) , as registered owner <br /> thereof, substantially in the form of Exhibit B to this Agreement, <br /> the issuance of which EDA Note is hereby authorized and approved, <br /> subject to the following conditions : <br /> (a) The EDA Note shall be dated, issued and delivered on <br /> or as soon as practicable following the date of execution and <br /> 334455.6 3-1 <br />