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EXHIBIT A <br /> DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY <br /> The Development Property consists of the following described <br /> properties, all located in the City of Mounds View, Ramsey County, <br /> Minnesota: <br /> Current Tax Parcel Nos . 08-30-23-41-0012, 08-30-23-44-0002, <br /> 08-30-23-44-0012 and 08-30-23-44-0016, said parcels constituting <br /> the following described property: <br /> Lot 3, Block 3 , PROGRAMMED LAND FIRST ADDITION <br /> Lot 2, Block 1, PROGRAMMED LAND SECOND ADDITION <br /> That part of Outlot A, MOUNDS VIEW BUSINESS PARK, lying east <br /> of a line beginning at a point on the south line of said <br /> Outlot A, said point being South 89 degrees 19 minutes 21 <br /> seconds East, assumed bearing, 409 . 00 feet from the southwest <br /> corner of said Outlot A; thence North 31 degrees 43 minutes 48 <br /> seconds East 19 . 26 feet to the north line of said Outlot A and <br /> said line there terminating; <br /> That part of the south 5 acres of Lot 2 , Block 2, PINECREST <br /> ADDITION lying east of a line beginning at a point on the <br /> north line of said south 5 acres, said point being 414 . 36 feet <br /> east of the northwest corner of said south 5 acres; thence <br /> south at an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds right to <br /> the south line of said Lot 2 , and said line there terminating. <br /> [NOTE : Said parcels to be replatted as Lot 1, Block 1, <br /> MOUNDS VIEW BUSINESS PARK EAST 2ND ADDITION] <br /> 334455.6 A-1 <br />