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Mayor Coughlin stated it was the consensus of the Council to schedule a Special Work Session for <br /> Monday,August 16, at 6:00 p.m. to address the issues regarding the golf course discussion, and to <br /> entertain a brief discussion of the Community Development Department staffing options. He <br /> requested City Administrator schedule the Special Session for that date. <br /> City Administrator Whiting stated he had attended his first League of Minnesota Cities Board <br /> Retreat meeting, where he found his role to be similar to the Mayoral role, and was enlightened <br /> regarding its effects upon the mind. He stated this would be a one-day per month occurrence for <br /> him. <br /> City Attorney Riggs stated he had no report. <br /> No further reports were considered. <br /> 7. CONSENT AGENDA <br /> A. Approve Just and Correct Claims <br /> B. Approve Resolution 5358, appointing Park and Recreation Commissioners. <br /> C. Set a public hearing for 7:05 p.m., Monday, August 23, 1999, for the <br /> consideration of Resolution 5353, a resolution contemplating the issuance of a <br /> conditional use permit for an over-sized garage to be located at 2809 Woodale <br /> Drive. <br /> D. Consideration of Pathways Construction Bids. <br /> E. Approval of Final Plans and Specifications for the Woodcrest Park Wetland <br /> Mitigation Project and Authorizing Advertisement for Bids. <br /> F. Set a Public Hearing for 7:10 p.m., Monday August 23, 1999, for the <br /> consideration of Resolution 5345, a resolution contemplating the issuance of a <br /> conditional use permit for an assisted living senior residential facility and for <br /> the Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinance 631, an ordinance rezoning <br /> property located at 2670 County Road I from B-2, Limited Business, to R-4, <br /> High Density Residential. <br /> G. Set a Public Hearing for 7:15 p.m., Monday, August 23, 1999, for the <br /> Introduction (First Reading) of Ordinance 638, an ordinance vacating part of <br /> a drainage and public utility easement over Lots 17 & 18,Edgewood Square. <br /> H. Authorization to Proceed with City Attorney for Personnel Policies Manual. <br /> I. Contractor Licenses for Approval. <br /> J. Set a Public Hearing for 7:20 p.m., Monday August 23, 1999, to consider <br /> amending Chapter 202 of the Municipal Code,entitled"Public Improvements". <br /> Mayor Coughlin asked the Council if anyone would like to remove Items for discussion. <br /> Council Member Stigney requested clarification regarding Item H. Mayor Coughlin stated this item <br /> was the result of discussion at the Work Session. He stated it had been the consensus of the Council <br /> to authorize the final production of the personnel manuals, and to provide the City Attorney the <br /> ability, as he was to peruse the final document, to proceed. <br /> 6 C:\ADMIN\MINUTES\CC\8-9-99.CC <br />