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Since 1992, the study has more information For example, MCES pays all its debt service <br /> about the structure of rates charged for (38 percent of the 1998 Annual Budget)from <br /> sewer use for household users and examines its fee revenue, while in some comparably- <br /> how frequently rates are changed, and how sized metropolitan areas (e.g. Milwaukee), <br /> rates are designed. debt service is paid from property taxes and <br /> not reflected in fees. The level of treatment <br /> Factors That Influence can also cause large variances among <br /> Wastewater Pricing otherwise comparable metropolitan areas. <br /> The range and variety of factors that <br /> Comparative wastewater charges among <br /> are influence operations mean that rates alone <br /> communities, both locally and nationally, <br /> one indicator of relative cost and efficiencies. are insufficient data from which to draw <br /> Many factors other than cost and efficiency conclusions regarding the efficiency and <br /> effectiveness of wastewater operations. <br /> have a strong influence on wastewater Generally speaking, such conclusions <br /> pricing. These factors include, among others, require research beyond the scope of this <br /> such variables as the: study. <br /> • level of treatment, <br /> • age of the system, <br /> • amount of infiltration and inflow, <br /> • geographic location of the system <br /> • customer composition, and <br /> • inclusion of debt service in sewer service <br /> charges. <br /> • <br /> Study of 1998 Sewerage Rates 3 <br />