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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 8 <br /> Ms. Olson explained she would like Council Member Thomason to state her understanding of <br /> why she believed the citizens wanted and voted for this form of local government. <br /> Council Member Thomason stated she was not around when the citizens voted for the Charter, <br /> therefore, she was unable to answer that specific portion of Ms. Olson's question. She stated, <br /> however, she was aware that a home-ruled Charter was very popular in the State of Minnesota, <br /> and that it allows for citizens to have voice. <br /> Council Member Stigney stated the reason he was a member of the Charter Commission and <br /> originally voted for the Charter was because the charter empowers the people with an alternative <br /> to the Council. He explained the charter provides that the Council does not control all the <br /> actions, and there is some recourse for the residents. <br /> Council Member Quick stated he would decline to answer, as this was not in keeping with <br /> Council rules, which indicate that all questions should be directed to the Mayor, and not put <br /> forward in the form of a"drill session"to the Council Members. <br /> Council Member Marty stated he was also a member of the Charter Commission, and he believes <br /> this indicates another form of checks and balances for the City and the citizens with the Council. <br /> He added he viewed this as a positive and necessary thing for the citizens, as long as the Charter <br /> is adhered to. <br /> Mayor Coughlin stated he would echo Council Member Thomason's comment in that he would <br /> not attempt to place himself in the minds of others and theorize on why he believed they did <br /> something. He explained this was not something he could answer. <br /> There were no further requests or comments from the floor. <br /> 10. COUNCIL BUSINESS <br /> A. Consideration of Ordinance 641 and 643, Implementing a Franchise Fee <br /> Increase from 2.5% on Electric and Natural Gas Companies for the <br /> Operation of the Utility within the City. <br /> 1. Public Hearing on Said Ordinance. <br /> Mayor Coughlin opened the Public Hearing at 7:25 p.m. <br /> City Administrator Whiting stated the discussion of these two ordinances pertains to setting a <br /> franchise fee on gas and electric utilities for the year 2000, and perhaps beyond, if the Council so <br /> desires. He explained that during the past two years, the Council has set a 2.5 fee charge on gas <br /> and electric uses, and anyone paying for gas and electric service, primarily through NSP and <br /> now, also Minnegasco, would see what amounts to a 2 percent charge on their usage. He added <br /> that five years prior to this, the franchise fee was set at 3 percent. He explained that the revenues <br /> generated from the fee have been directed to the City's General Fund. <br /> City Administrator Whiting stated that earlier in the year, as the budget discussion commenced, <br /> it was determined the City Council would review this matter in the fall, in order to facilitate the <br /> utility providers enough time to adjust their software for the billing cycle at the first of the year. <br />