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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 23 <br /> He explained that it is with the understanding of Council, that in keeping with the original plan, <br /> the fee was to be reduced to 2 percent this year. <br /> Council Member Marty stated he would request staff research the possibility of trimming the 2.5 <br /> percent portion of the fee as close to half, or 2 percent, as possible, and direct the balance to the <br /> street fund, rather than diverting it into the General Fund, in that it was hoped the franchise fee <br /> would go into the street fund in the future. <br /> City Administrator Whiting noted the next item on the agenda relates to how this can be <br /> determined, and the choices that follow. He explained the Council has not completed its budget <br /> deliberations, and has another two months in which to do this, and a hearing in one month. He <br /> noted they have not reviewed all of the specific details in the final budget. He explained there <br /> are several ways to proceed with this ordinance and the policy that is put into place. He <br /> envisioned at this point, the franchise fee would continue to go into the General Fund, and the <br /> Council will commit to a portion of the revenues to be dedicated to the street fund on an annual <br /> basis. <br /> City Administrator Whiting noted that based upon the discussions to date, it appears that an <br /> equivalent to 1.5 percent of what is collected on the franchise fee will be dedicated to the street <br /> fund in the form of a transfer from the General Fund. He reiterated that the franchise fee sunsets <br /> on an annual basis, and the matter will have to be revisited year after year, and this will provide <br /> the opportunity for reconsider the issues. <br /> City Administrator Whiting explained that at this time, he was not aware of the exact numbers, <br /> however, he did not believe this would represent anything similar to the 30 million dollar fund of <br /> White Bear Lake. He stated that if the franchise fee generates approximately $125,000 per year <br /> from the 1.5 percent, this fund would be viewed in terms of providing the ability to cash flow the <br /> projects, so the City does not have to borrow for this purpose. He commented this will require a <br /> substantial amount of money, however, he did not believe the franchise fee will be the only <br /> source of revenue replenishing the street fund on an ongoing basis. <br /> City Administrator Whiting noted in five or ten years there will be some money accumulated in <br /> the street fund. He explained, however, there will also be projects that draw down the cash, <br /> which will likely be replenished at a ratio of 1 to 3, as at a 25 percent assessment rate, the City <br /> will receive a quarter back for every dollar spent on a project. He added the fund will generate <br /> some interest, which will help replenish it, in addition to revenues from the franchise fee. He <br /> explained that transfers to the dedicated funds generally occur late in the year, when the City has <br /> a full assessment of the budget, and how what is affordable. He stated they would have the <br /> option of transferring unspent General Fund-budgeted monies into this fund, if so desired, find <br /> ways to reduce expenditures, or dedicating a different percentage of the fee to this fund. <br /> City Administrator Whiting explained the Council will have to decide the term of this ordinance. <br /> He stated that in the last two years, it has sunset annually, which provides that the issues can be <br /> revisited in the following year. He suspected by the end of the budget period, there would be <br /> clarification of the details of the street fund, and what it will be able to accomplish. <br /> Council Member Marty stated Director of Public Works Ulrich had indicated it costs <br /> approximately $700,000 to refinish a mile of road. He noted this is the "Cadillac" of roads, 50 <br /> feet wide, with sidewalks and gutters, etc. He explained to Mrs. Warner that when it comes time <br />