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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 26 <br /> Ms. Olson commented that the interpretation of franchise and franchise fee, if nothing else, <br /> enlightens the Charter Commission for their review of changes and modifications to the Charter <br /> for clarification to address franchise fee within a franchise so that there can be a public hearing <br /> and notification to the residents. She stated this was a very important thing, did not happen, was <br /> not required to happen, and was not done as a courtesy. She commented that the budget review <br /> would consist of consideration of all the issues as a whole, adding that when the issues are <br /> segmented, and considered separately, the resulting decisions may be different. <br /> Ms. Olson noted Ex-Mayor McCarty's statement that he would like to have services, however, <br /> he did not wish to pay for them, and explained, in her opinion, this did not properly reflect the <br /> attitude of the citizens of Mounds View. She stated no one was indicating they did not care <br /> about the intra-structure, however, this depends upon how the funds are taken. She stated <br /> citizens are not aware of everything that happens within the City, and probably do not have to be, <br /> as residents were voted into office because it was hoped their beliefs were similar to the beliefs <br /> of the majority of the people. She stated, however, when the issues are considered <br /> independently, and appears to be justified, this is not necessarily the case. She stated she had a <br /> difficult time believing there was nothing allocated in the City's budget for streets. <br /> Mayor Coughlin explained that reconstruction of the streets was a different issue than street <br /> maintenance. Council Member Marty added that the Director of Public Works has been <br /> attempting to do as much chip seal and patching as possible. He explained that Mr. Ulrich <br /> provided the Streets Policies Committee with a map, which indicated streets projected for work <br /> up to two years prior. He stated the Department has not had any funds to perform the work on <br /> these roads, and therefore, have been chip sealing and patching until they can come up with a <br /> plan. He stated this was the reason they were trying to proceed with this matter, and designate <br /> what they can from the franchise fee. He reiterated he would like see if a higher percentage <br /> could be allocated to the street fund. <br /> Ms. Olson stated she was aware of this. She reiterated she could not believe there were no funds <br /> allocated for this purpose, and questioned why retreats were important to the City, and why a <br /> secretary would not be sufficient, instead of an assistant to the Administrator. She remarked she <br /> would like to have these matters evaluated. <br /> Mayor Coughlin pointed out that the reason the documents were posted on the Chamber walls, <br /> was because the Council realized, early in this process, that they were going to look at the big <br /> picture and understand what the goals were, and to let the specifics follow the goals. <br /> Mrs. Warner inquired what had happened to the $1,000 door prize that Council Member Stigney <br /> had won at the League of Minnesota Cities conference. Council Member Stigney stated it has <br /> not been spent yet, and the plan was to have a luncheon or dinner for all of the commission <br /> members. Mrs. Warner suggested a dinner for all of the Charter Commission members and their <br /> wives <br /> Mrs. Warner stated the present franchise fee is 2.5 percent, and in her understanding, the entire <br /> franchise fee is going into the General Fund, and they were proposing to increase the fee to 4 <br /> percent. She inquired if they would put a portion of this into the General Fund, or if the entire 4 <br /> percent would be put into a fund specifically for streets. <br />