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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 29 <br /> stated this has come up in Council Work Session discussions a number of times, and those who <br /> care enough to view these meetings are aware that this is not a new subject. He stated the <br /> present consideration is an attempt to clarify the details, and spell out exactly where the funds <br /> will originate, and exactly what they are to be spent on, which are the streets. He noted the only <br /> discussions he has had in this regard have been in the Council Chambers, and he does not know <br /> where the "backroom dealings"perception might have originated. <br /> Council Member Thomason stated the documents on the Chamber walls, which have been posted <br /> for approximately 3 months, indicate under Council Expectations, Number 2, Franchise Fee, <br /> with an arrow pointing upward at government funds and street funds. She stated this document <br /> was created at a meeting with facilitator Carl Neu, with whom they had discussed ideas for <br /> funding of these projects. She stated they have also touched on these issues at other Council <br /> meetings. She reiterated this was not a case of the Council had not attempting to inform the <br /> public. She commented that the pubic is welcome to come down, tune in, and inquire regarding <br /> the meaning of these things. <br /> Mayor Coughlin added that this topic has been mentioned in an article in the Focus Newspaper <br /> in the last month, and in addition, was the subject of considerable discussion during the <br /> "Conversation with the Mayor"program on cable access. He stated, not only are these meetings <br /> being re-broadcast over and over, but he has been very vocal on this issue, and understands the <br /> controversy behind it. He stated if they can do better they will, they will take suggestions, and <br /> do something. He stated he has pushed to continue televising the Work Sessions when someone <br /> had requested to have them removed. He reiterated he has put all of the commissions on cable so <br /> that the citizens can view these issues from their home, as they realize that a lot of people are <br /> busy, and don't have time to sit through these lengthy meetings. He stated they were trying, and <br /> hope to continue on that open forum path. <br /> There was no further public input. <br /> Mayor Coughlin closed the Public Hearing at 9:27 p.m. <br /> 2. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance. <br /> Council Member Stigney noted Mayor Coughlin's comment regarding an article published in the <br /> Focus Newspaper, and stated he did not believe there was any mention of the proposed increase <br /> from 2.5 to 4 percent to the franchise fee. He stated he had called and left a message with the <br /> newspaper to attempt to notify the public, and was informed that the time frame was such that <br /> they could not do publish this information. He stated he had also informed the New Brighton <br /> Bulletin, and the St. Paul Pioneer Press. He noted there were no published hearings in any of the <br /> newspapers. He stated at the City Council meeting of September 13, they had discussed the <br /> franchise fee, and perhaps carrying as it is, however, no residents he has spoken to were aware of <br /> this. He added that a poll of the audience would indicate they were all informed via telephone <br /> call. He stated the information provided to the residents is poor, and to proceed on this basis, <br /> without further notification of the public is, in his opinion, intolerable. <br /> Council Member Stigney advised that the franchise fee is only one pay option, and he hoped to <br /> have the opportunity to discuss the other alternatives. He made a motion to pass ordinance 641 <br /> and 643 at 2.5 percent to sunset in a year. He stated this would provide time to inform the <br /> residents and receive their input, and determine which direction to take. He stated all were aware <br />