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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 31 <br /> Mayor Coughlin asked the motioner and seconder if they would agree to an amendment of the <br /> sunset dates as stated. <br /> Council Members Quick and Marty agreed. <br /> Council Member Stigney noted there was also a Special Projects fund by which they were going <br /> to loan $200,000 to the golf course. He stated he was not aware what the total of that fund was, <br /> however, this is also a possible revenue source, rather than increasing the franchise fee without <br /> proper notification of the residents. <br /> Mayor Coughlin explained that the interest of this fund is presently utilized in entirety to perform <br /> chip seal and other road repairs. <br /> Council Member Marty stated the one year sunset period had come forward during a Work <br /> Session discussion of the issue. He explained the reason he had suggested one year increments <br /> was because he did not desire to saddle a future Council with a decision that this Council has <br /> made, as they have found to be the case in a number of situations. He noted Council Member <br /> Stigney had indicated, and he agreed with him, that each Council should have the right and <br /> ability to make their own decisions, if another Council is able to find a better solution, this one <br /> year sunset does not tie their hands. <br /> Council Member Stigney noted this fund was to be set up as a perpetual fund for street projects <br /> only, and would not be utilized for any other purpose. He asked the City Attorney if it was true <br /> that the City Council, on an enactment of three out of five Council Members, can change <br /> whatever they want to do in regard to an ordinance. <br /> City Attorney Riggs explained there are cities that have set up funds they agree to abide by, and <br /> there are means to craft language, which restrains the ability of any Council to amend the <br /> ordinance. <br /> Council Member Stigney inquired if there were means to draft the language to insure that future <br /> Council's would have to abide by whatever the present Council indicates. <br /> City Attorney Riggs stated if that is the agreeable language of Council, they would be able to set <br /> up funds that are restricted to that degree. <br /> Council Member Stigney inquired if a future Council would not have the ability to overturn that <br /> decision, for any reason. <br /> City Attorney Riggs advised he would not go so far as to indicate that, as the City Charter <br /> provides the citizens the ability to undo any ordinance. He explained he could not provide a 100 <br /> percent answer that this can never be undone, however, mechanisms can be put in place which <br /> would make it very onerous to do so. <br /> 3. Vote: Stigney, Thomason, Quick, Marty, Coughlin <br /> Ayes—4 Nays— 1 (Stigney) Motion carried. <br />