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Mounds View City Council October 11, 1999 <br /> Regular Meeting Page 33 <br /> 1. Continued Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance. <br /> Planning Associate Ericson stated this ordinance, which has been before the Council on a <br /> number of occasions, adds language to the City Code which clarifies that existing non- <br /> conforming driveways would be allowed to remain, as long as there is not public safety hazard <br /> presented with these driveways. <br /> Planning Associate Ericson explained that the other change contemplated with this ordinance is <br /> an amendment to Chapter 902 as it relates to rights-of-way, which cleans up the Code in relation <br /> to the previous right-of-way ordinance that was passed. <br /> Planning Associate Ericson requested the Council's indulgence to set the public hearing for a <br /> Conditional Use Permit for an oversized shed to be located at 8270 Eastwood Road. He <br /> explained the public hearing has been published in the newspaper, and notice has been sent out, <br /> however, the item was inadvertently omitted from the Consent Agenda. <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Thomason/Stigney. To Set the Public Hearing for Resolution No. 595-99, <br /> a Resolution Recommending Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for an Oversized Shed <br /> Located at 8270 Eastwood Road, for the October 25, 1999, City Council Meeting. <br /> Ayes—5 Nays—0 Motion carried. <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Marty/Thomason. To Waive the Reading and Approve Second Reading <br /> and Adoption of Ordinance 640, an Ordinance Amending Title 900, Chapter 902 of the Mounds <br /> View Municipal Code Relating to Driveways and Repealing Provisions of Chapter 902 Relating <br /> to Street Openings, as Amended, to Include the Date, October 11, 1999. <br /> Council Member Stigney stated, upon close examination of this matter, he wondered if a there <br /> might be a "loophole" in terms of providing that someone could install a driveway without a <br /> permit or the Code, and be able to keep it forever. He explained the language appears to indicate <br /> this, and the addition of two words may offer clarification. He suggested the addition of the <br /> word "current" in the language which indicates "Permanent-surfaced driveways which do not <br /> conform to the current City Code" and the word"allowed" in the language which indicates "may <br /> be rebuilt, constructed or replaced in the same manner, fashion and location as allowed before, <br /> unless the location of said driveway poses a significant public safety hazard." <br /> Council Member Stigney stated this closes the possibility of a resident installing in a driveway <br /> without a building permit, and being fully aware of it, however, would otherwise have license to <br /> proceed. <br /> Planning Associate Ericson stated this amendment to the language was acceptable from staff's <br /> perspective. <br /> City Administrator Whiting pointed out that the word "current," might be subject to <br /> interpretation in the future. <br /> City Attorney Riggs stated it would be more appropriate to indicate a specific date. He requested <br /> Council Member Stigney clarify his concern. <br />