Mounds View City Council October 25, 1999
<br /> Regular Meeting Page 8
<br /> Mr. Jahnke stated he was informed at a previous meeting that the golf course pickup truck was
<br /> purchased for $28,000, however, the pamphlet of information Mayor Coughlin provided to him
<br /> indicates that the pickup truck cost $35,000.
<br /> Mayor Coughlin stated he was not aware of the print date of this paperwork, and it was likely
<br /> generated prior to the actual purchase of the pickup truck, however, the actual out of pocket
<br /> expense for the pickup truck was the amount the Mr. Hammerschmidt had indicated. He further
<br /> advised that the City needed this truck.
<br /> Mr. Jahnke stated he would not argue with this, however, he required clarification due to the
<br /> discrepancy between the amount indicated on the paperwork, and the amount that was stated. He
<br /> commented he was also informed that the old pickup truck would be traded in, however, he still
<br /> sees this vehicle in the City fleet.
<br /> Mayor Coughlin explained the old pickup truck was worth relatively little, in terms of selling it
<br /> outright, due to its used condition, and a fair amount of mileage, therefore, the Golf Course
<br /> Director retained it as a work vehicle, in lieu of purchasing another, which would be much more
<br /> expensive. He pointed out that the Golf Course Director was attempting to save money in the
<br /> long term, by utilizing the old pickup to haul landscape timbers, and so forth, and to use it up,
<br /> instead of attempting to obtain a few dollars out of it.
<br /> Council Member Stigney stated he had inquired if the Work Session meeting would be
<br /> broadcast, as he first came into the meeting that evening. He stated he did not consider this
<br /> meeting to be an envisioning or a brainstorming. He advised the actual budget for the year 2000
<br /> was discussed, and this involved a number of issues, including the Year 2000 Budget Review,
<br /> review of the Park Dedication Capital Purchase Plan, consideration of the Interfund advance to
<br /> the golf course, Assessment Policy Revision, Water Services Repair Policy, Pavement Survey,
<br /> Snowplowing Equipment, consideration of electronic sign bid, and an ordinance for a public
<br /> hearing policy. He stated all of these matters should be broadcast, and was disturbed that they
<br /> were not.
<br /> Mayor Coughlin stated this consideration had been discussed during the previous Council
<br /> Retreat, and Council Member Stigney had not raised any issues at that time.
<br /> Council Member Stigney stated the discussion at the Council Retreat was in regard to visioning
<br /> and brainstorming of future means to handle the long term financial planning of the City, and
<br /> was not specific to the Year 2000 Budget. He stated he took exception to Mayor Coughlin's
<br /> comment.
<br /> Council Member Stigney stated the Work Session discussion indicated the road reconstruction
<br /> fund was not to be applied to road reconstruction as he understands the term, such as resurfacing,
<br /> milling or overlaying, or fixing up a street. He stated this fund would have nothing to do with
<br /> any of these things, and they are not defined as road reconstruction. He commented this
<br /> presented a communication gap, in terms of the definition of road reconstruction.
<br /> Mayor Coughlin advised as a point of order, the City policy has not been fully discussed at a
<br /> Work Session, much less been adopted. He explained, therefore, to make a blanket statement
<br /> that this is not the case, or to solidly stand, stating this is or is not the case, is in error.
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