Mounds View City Council
<br /> Regular Meeting November 15, 1999
<br /> Page 8
<br /> they can indicate this on their calendars, and plan accordingly. He stated he would find it
<br /> acceptable to cancel this meeting, and request staff to schedule all items requiring consideration
<br /> at the next meeting. He stated pursuant to the City Charter and State Statutes, the Council is
<br /> required to meet on the first business day of the new year, which is January 3, in order to conduct
<br /> a few items of Council Business. He inquired if there was consensus among the Council to
<br /> cancel the December 27 City Council Meeting.
<br /> Council Member Stigney inquired if canceling this meeting would present a conflict with Charter
<br /> provisions.
<br /> Mayor Coughlin indicated the City Charter essentially states the meetings are set, however, the
<br /> Council has cancelled meetings in the past, and changed meeting dates, and he did not see this
<br /> matter as different from those previous actions. He deferred the question to City Attorney Long.
<br /> City Attorney Long advised Section 3.01 of the City Charter indicates that the Council shall meet
<br /> regularly, at least twice each month. He stated the reason this may have not come forward in the
<br /> past is because there have been other meetings, such as the Truth in Taxation meetings, which
<br /> are officially called to order during the same month. He explained the Charter is somewhat
<br /> vague as to whether or not the regular Monday night meeting is required, or if a meeting on
<br /> another night that is not subject to the regular agenda would be sufficient. He advised as long as
<br /> there were two meetings in the month of December, although the Truth in Taxation meeting
<br /> would not be the regular agenda meeting, the Council could consider other items once they are
<br /> called to order, and this would meet the requirement.
<br /> Mayor Coughlin inquired if it was the consensus of the Council to cancel the December 27, 1999
<br /> City Council Meeting.
<br /> The Council agreed.
<br /> Sherry Gunn, Chairperson of YPartners, stated they were conducting a fund raising event with
<br /> the YMCA, called YPartners, and this event was one of the advantages of having the YMCA
<br /> manage the Parks and Recreation Commission. She stated that due to funding and the City
<br /> budget, they have an opportunity to privately raise a scholarship fund for the youth in the City of
<br /> Mounds View. She explained this fund is to be utilized for youth who can not afford to
<br /> participate in the Park and Recreation programs, however, would like very much to do so. She
<br /> indicated this fund was also utilized to obtain quality items for YMCA Teen Nights, which are
<br /> attended by an average of 50 to 60 children per night.
<br /> Mrs. Gunn stated the funds raised would remain in the community, and would stay in Mounds
<br /> View to help the Mounds View children. She advised this is a very worthwhile cause, and a
<br /> need that requires to be met. She explained there are many children, who would like to
<br /> participate on a softball team, soccer team, or play basketball, who simply can not afford to do
<br /> this. She commented it appeared there would be budget constraints in the future, and their
<br /> funding would diminish greatly, however, with the YMCA, they now have the opportunity to
<br /> raise the necessary funds.
<br /> Mrs. Gunn stated YPartners' goal for 1999, their first year, is $10,000, and to date they have
<br /> raised $1,120. She stated call nights were scheduled for November 16, 17, 18, 23, and 30, from
<br /> 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the City Hall, and they were in need of volunteers. She advised that any
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