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UNAPPROVED <br /> Page 2 <br /> August 24, 1998 <br /> Mounds View City Council <br /> order if the evident intent is to kill or avoid dealing with a measure. If a time for resuming <br /> consideration is specified in making the motion, it can be admitted only as a motion to Postpone <br /> (14), in which case it is debatable (see also pp. 213-215). <br /> Standard Descriptive Characteristics <br /> The subsidiary motion to Lay on the Table: <br /> 1. Takes precedence over all subsidiary motions, and over any incidental motions that are <br /> pending when it is made. It yields to all privileged motions, and to motions that are <br /> incidental to itself <br /> 2. Can be applied to main motions, with any other subsidiary motions that may be pending; <br /> can be thus applied to orders of the day(14, 40) or questions of privilege (19)while they <br /> are actually pending as main motions, and such an application is independent of, and does <br /> not carry to the table, any other matter that they may have Interrupted; can be separately <br /> applied to debatable appeals that do not adhere(p. 115)to the main question(or to <br /> nonadhering points of order referred by the chair to the judgement of the assembly which <br /> are debatable when so referred), and this application has no effect on the status of any <br /> other questions that may be pending; can be applied to adhering appeals-Whether <br /> debatable or undebatable-only by laying the main question on the table, in which case the <br /> appeal and all other adhering motions to the table also; can be applied to an immediately <br /> pending motion to Reconsider (36), whenever Lay on the table would be applicable if the <br /> motion to be reconsidered were ..." <br /> McCarty stated: "The motion to table cannot be used or wielded as a club to close off a debate <br /> on the rest of the members." "That's why the motion died, it never had a second, I never called <br /> for a second." <br /> Stigney stated: "The motion was made to table in conjunction with the Hays Study, so a definite <br /> time period was stated." <br /> McCarty stated: "It should have been a motion to postpone." The Mayor suggested that Mr. <br /> Stigney educate himself on Robert's Rules of order. <br /> Stigney stated he was fully aware of the meaning of the words "postpone" and "table." "In the <br /> past when I made a postponement motion, it has always been meant to table." <br /> The Mayor stated he disagreed and requested that Mr. Stigney move on with his corrections to <br /> the minutes. <br /> Stigney restated his correction to the minutes as follows: "I made a motion and it was not <br /> recognized by the Chair." <br />