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City Council Resolution No. 5007 <br /> 4110 October 29, 1996 <br /> Page 5 <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby make the following findings of fact regarding <br /> this conditional use permit request with respect to the criteria set forth in Section 1125.01 Subd. <br /> 3.b. for the review of conditional use permits. The criteria are noted below, and have been <br /> grouped to avoid repetitive findings. <br /> (1) The use will not create an excessive burden on existing parks, schools, streets and other public facilities and <br /> utilities will serve or are proposed to serve the area. <br /> (7) The use will not cause traffic hazards or congestion. <br /> (8) Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and necessary facilities have been or will be provided. <br /> The New Apostolic Church proposes to hold Sunday School at 8:45-9:30 AM, two <br /> Sunday church services at 10:00-11:00 AM and 5:00-6:00 PM, and a Wednesday evening <br /> service from 8:00-9:00 PM. The maximum seating in the church is 98 people; the <br /> current congregation is 55 people. Because the use is a church, rather than residential <br /> homes, it is not anticipated to create a demand on parks or schools. Both water and <br /> sewer service adequate to support this use is available to the site. The site is served by <br /> two streets, County Road H and Pleasant View Drive. Given the limited number of <br /> services and the size of the congregation, the amount of traffic is anticipated to be low <br /> and will occur on weekends or evening rather than during peak commute times. <br /> S The City Engineer has reviewed the applicant's drainage proposal and indicated that the <br /> rate of runoff should not be a problem and the grass treatment areas will provide enough <br /> water quality treatment. Drainage will now be directed to County Road H and will flow <br /> through grassed areas to allow sediments to percolate before runoff water leaves the site. <br /> The Rice Creek Watershed District has stated that a permit from them is not required. <br /> The City Council finds that criteria (1), (7) and (8) have been met. <br /> (4) The use, in the opinion of the City Council, is reasonably related to the overall needs of the City and to the <br /> existing land use. <br /> (6) The use is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan of the City. <br /> The Zoning Code envisions the development of churches in residential neighborhoods, <br /> and there are five other churches in Mounds View. The applicant has testified that a <br /> number of the members of this church are from the Mounds View area, and desire to <br /> locate the church closer to their homes. (Comments on the Comprehensive Plan will be <br /> provided at the City Council meeting on October 29.) <br /> The City Council finds that criteria (4) and (6) have been met (pending the comments on <br /> the Comprehensive Plan). <br /> • <br />