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cot oF Agenda Section: I.A <br /> REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION Report Number: l9b-i906C <br /> Report Date: 11-2-1"lb <br /> STAFF REPORT Council Action: <br /> OEN <br /> ❑ Special Order of Business <br /> III �°St1110,106 <br /> •PartneOls 0 Public Hearings <br /> CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE November 25, 1996 <br /> Consent Agenda <br /> 61. Council Business <br /> Item Description: <br /> Consideration to Purchase Water Tanks and Entrance Door <br /> Administrator's Review/Recommendation: <br /> - No comments to supplement this report <br /> - Comments attached. <br /> Explanation/Summary (attach supplement sheets as necessary.) <br /> SUMMARY; <br /> In 1993 the City purchased a new Jet Truck and as with all new equipment, various warranties <br /> cover numerous parts of the truck and equipment. It was identified during recent operations that <br /> the aluminum water tanks are decaying on both the outside and more evident on the inside. The <br /> tanks carry a five year warranty,placing the replacement or repair within the manufacturer's <br /> responsibility. Staff presented this situation to the local dealer representative. The accelerated <br /> deterioration of the tanks apparently results from water being constantly stored in the tanks. <br /> While this explanation does contradict the purpose of the tanks and machine,this is what staff <br /> has been told. It appears that the chemical makeup of certain waters will react with and against <br /> • the aluminum tanks. Staff was not made aware of this situation at the time of purchase. The <br /> manufacture has stated that they will replace the tanks and will continue the existing warranty, <br /> which will terminate at the end of July 1998. Replacing the tanks with aluminum again will <br /> surely result in a similar situation after a period of years of use in the same manner. The tanks <br /> must remain filled with water at all times to provide the most efficient response time possible for <br /> a blocked sewer main. <br /> Staff has received a quote from the manufacturer to replace the tanks with stainless steel, which <br /> will eliminate any future deterioration of the water tanks. The cost differential between <br /> aluminum and stainless steel tanks is$2,600.00. In an effort to reduce this amount, staff <br /> requested a price to change the tanks in-house. The procedure is very simple and will require <br /> approximately four hours. Mounting the new tanks will save the City $600.00. <br /> Since this expenditure was unknown and unexpected, staff is requesting to utilize contingency <br /> • funds in the Wastewater Infrastructure and Equipment program to purchase the upgraded • <br /> stainless steel tanks. <br /> Staff is also requesting the utilization of contingency funds to replace the south service door at <br /> the Public Works Facility. This door enters directly into the wash bay and is constantly wet either <br /> from direct contact with water or vapor from the pressure washer, consequently the door is rusted <br /> out on the bottom. The expansion of the metal door causes improper closure, non-closure and air <br /> • voids which contribute to heat loss and freezing of the door sill. Staff had anticipated replacing <br /> armiagsbajar, but after recent bouts of the door constantly not closing, providing further <br />