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<br /> • November 12, 1996
<br /> Mounds View City Council
<br /> Non-Residential Conditional Uses in Residential Districts,and Amending Title 1100,Sections
<br /> 1102.01, 1104.01, 1104.02,1106.04,1107.05, 1109.0-4, 1110.04,1121.09, 1121.11 and 1123.02.
<br /> Mayor Linke opened the Public Hearing at 7:40 p.m.
<br /> Ms. Sheldon,Director of Community Development,explained that this item relates to non-residential uses
<br /> that are permitted in residential districts. In a recent proposal to the City of Mounds View for a church to
<br /> be constructed in a residential district,concern was raised by residents in the area who felt that the five foot
<br /> requirement was not sufficient to provide adequate buffering between parking lots and residences. One of
<br /> the residents from the neighborhood proposed an amendment to the City Code,which would increase the
<br /> five foot requirement to fifteen feet between parking lots and property lines. After review,the Planning
<br /> Commission has recommended that the setback be 20 feet for sites of 2.5 acres or less,and 30 feet for sites
<br /> of more than 2.5 acres. In addition,the Planning Commission and staff looked at some other issues which
<br /> they felt needed to be addressed at the same time such as minimum lot size requirements for larger scale,
<br /> non-residential uses. The proposed changes would require a minimum one acre lot size for non-residential
<br /> use. Ms. Sheldon also explained other items which the proposed ordinance would clarify.
<br /> With no questions from the Council or residents,Mayor Linke closed the Public Hearing at 7:44 p.m.
<br /> S MOTION/SECOND: Hankner/Trude to approve the Introduction of Ordinance No.590,Relating to
<br /> Setbacks for Parking Lots,Driveways,and Principal and Accessory Buildings;Minimum Lot Area for
<br /> Non-Residential Uses Listed as Conditional Uses in Residential Districts;the Continued Use of Non-
<br /> Conforming Parking Lots for Non-Residential Conditional Uses in Residential Districts,and Amending
<br /> Title 1100,Sections 1102.01, 1104.01, 1104.02, 1106.04, 1107.05, 1109.04, 1110.04, 1121.09, 1121.11
<br /> and 1123.02,and to waive the reading.
<br /> VOTE: 5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried
<br /> Public Hearing Considering the Adoption of Resolution No.5040,Bronson Drive Reconstruction
<br /> Assessment Roll.
<br /> Mayor Linke opened the Public Hearing at 7:45 p.m.
<br /> Mr.Ulrich,Public Works Director,provided an outline of events as they occurred in relation to the
<br /> Bronson Drive Reconstruction project,including the dates in which letters were sent to affected residents
<br /> informing them of the status of the project. The final cost of the project was$728,233,with$399,916
<br /> being paid by the city,and$328,618 to be paid by residents. Two assessment rolls were prepared,one
<br /> taking into consideration applying the$15,000 in the storm water management fund to the cost,should it
<br /> be the council's desire to do so.
<br /> Mr. Barry Peters,of Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, provided a diagram of the project area and gave a brief
<br /> summary of the work that was done. He also discussed the final project costs and assessment numbers for
<br /> the project breaking down the various improvements including the street project,storm ponding,storm
<br /> sewer construction, sanitary sewer lateral and the sanitary sewer service.
<br /> 410 Mr. Ulrich provided information on how residents could file an objection to the assessment if they wished
<br /> to do so. Procedures were also provided on how to file a petition with the city. He noted that the
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