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CITY OF REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION Agenda Section <br /> STAFF REPORT Report Number: qjp-i g .a V1(S <br /> CURDS Report Date: 8/29/96 <br /> • WORK SESSION MEETING DATE <br /> FEW September 3, 1996 <br /> ,Q-PejJ-Partnets�`QS <br /> Item Description: Discussion of EDC's Interest in Pursuing an RFP for a Development Plan for EDA's Third <br /> Redevelopment Priority -Highway 10 - Section 9 <br /> Administrator's Review/Recommendation: <br /> -No Comments to supplement this report <br /> -Comments attached. <br /> Explanation/Summary(attach supplement sheets as necessary) <br /> Summary: <br /> At the EDC's August meeting they discussed the EDA's three priorities for Highway 10. The EDC <br /> specifically focused on priority no. 3 which encompasses Section 9 of the Draft Highway 10 Plan. Section 9 <br /> includes both south and north properties from Cnty Road I/Hwy 10 intersection up through the intersection of <br /> Hwy 10/Silver Lake Road. <br /> I have received several inquiries regarding the City owned property at the corner of Hwy 10/Cnty Rd I. <br /> • <br /> Those inquiries include a funeral home, animal hospital and one level senior housing. Each use could <br /> potentially work at the site but the larger question to address is what should the City's Vision be for the area. <br /> Do we want to continue spot development or should we be looking at the entire section for coordinated <br /> development? I have also been in contact with Dale Jones regarding his 11 acres east of Silver Lake Point <br /> Apts. He would like direction regarding possible uses for the site. Some of his suggestions include a motel, <br /> more senior housing, office complex and even a private golfing range. <br /> After discussion with the EDC, they felt it would be useful to solicit bids to do a market study of the area and <br /> generate a vision and some development schematics. The EDC would like the direction to develop an RFP <br /> and solicit bids for consulting services to evaluate the area and prepare a vision/schematic plan. Upon <br /> completion of this process, the EDC will evaluate the RFP's and recommend the selection of a consultant to <br /> do the evaluation to the EDA for approval/denial. <br /> If the EDA would like the EDC to work on this project, I would propose the following schedule: <br /> September 26: EDC review and approve RFP and select a list of consultants. <br /> October 1: Staff mails out approved RFP to consultant list. <br /> October 16: Submittal deadline <br /> October 24: EDC reviews submittal/interviews consultants <br /> November 4: Recommendation to select a consultant to the EDA for approval/denial. <br /> • -ccs <br /> Cathy ennett, Eon. ev. Coordinator <br />