6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 207 P03/05 AUG 08 '96 10:22
<br /> sem
<br /> Now, I would like to read you a list of fir-construction options
<br /> being considered by th City. First, I will read you brief -
<br /> descriptions of all s "'options; then, I will repeat each one and
<br /> 4111 have you tell me your reaction to it. (ROTATE TOP-TO-BOTTOM AND
<br /> A. This option would include TWO gymnasiums, a teen center, a
<br /> senior center, multi-purpose rooms, a banquet room, and volley-
<br /> ball courts, all contained in one building. The projected cost
<br /> is $2, 380, 000. 00 .
<br /> B. This option would include ONE gymnasium, a teen center, a
<br /> senior center, multi-purpose rooms, a banquet room, and volley-
<br /> ball courts, all contained in one building. The projected cost
<br /> is $1, 775, 000 . 00 .
<br /> C. This option includes NO gymnasiums, a teen center, a senior
<br /> center, multi-purpose rooms, a banquet room, and volleyball
<br /> courts, all contained in one building. The projected cost is
<br /> $1, 250, 000. 00 .
<br /> D. This option includes_NO gymnasiums, a teen center, a senior
<br /> center, multi-purpose rooms, and a banquet room contained in one -
<br /> building, and volleyball courts contained in a separate second
<br /> building on the site. The projected cost of this option is
<br /> $825, 000 . 00 .
<br /> E. This option includes one gymnasium, a teen center, a senior
<br /> 4111 center, multi-purpose rooms, a banquet room, and NO volleyball
<br /> courts . The projected cost is
<br /> F. This option includes NO gymnasium, a teen center, a senior
<br /> center, multi-purpose rooms, a banquet room, and NO volleyball
<br /> courts. The projected cost is $630, 000 .00 .
<br /> Now that you have heard the range of options, as I repeat each
<br /> one, I would like you to tell me if you strongly favor it, some-
<br /> what favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose it . If you have
<br /> no opinion, just say so. . . .
<br /> 9. This option would include TWO gym- STRONGLY FAVOR 1
<br /> nasiums, a teen center, a senior SOMEWHAT FAVOR 2
<br /> center, multi-purpose rooms, a SOMEWHAT OPPOSE 3
<br /> banquet room, and volleyball STRONGLY OPPOSE 4
<br /> courts, all contained in one DON'T KNOW/RE'U'SED 5
<br /> building. The projected cost is
<br /> $2, 380, 000 . 00 .
<br /> 10 . This option would include ONE gym- STRONGLY FAVOR 1
<br /> nasium, a teen center, a senior SOMEWHAT FAVOR 2
<br /> center, multi-purpose rooms, a SOMEWHAT OPPOSE 3
<br /> banquet room, and volleyball STRONGLY OPPOSE 4
<br /> courts, all contained in one DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 5
<br /> 1111 building. The projected cost is
<br /> $1, 775, 000 . 00 .
<br /> 2
<br />