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BILL SUMMARIES <br /> Fixing leaky septic systems <br /> A loan program approved by the Metropolitan and Local Government Committee would make it <br /> easier for homeowners to fix failing septic systems and contaminated wells. Under the proposed <br /> bill, municipalities may bond to create the loan program, which is not subject to the municipal <br /> debt limit. Homeowners may then apply for the loans to replace or repair septic systems and to <br /> seal and replace contaminated wells. Loans are then paid back through directed property taxes, <br /> similar to a special assessment. <br /> Apartment tax bill <br /> Members of the Taxes and Tax Laws Subcommittee on Property Tax approved a bill to gradually <br /> lower rental property taxes. The bill would lower the class rate for general apartments from 3.4 <br /> percent to 2.8 percent by 1999. It also lowers the class rate for apartment buildings of four units <br /> or less from 2.3 percent to 2 percent during the same time period. This bill would be seen to ease <br /> the burden of higher rents that prevent renters from saving for down payments on homes. <br /> Tying funds to performance <br /> Under this bill cities and towns could either increase or decrease their share of state aid under a <br /> bill that encourages the use of performance standards. HACA would be contingent on the city's <br /> establishment of"performance measures" aimed to increase the accountability of local <br /> governments. Cities and towns would be required to adopt goals and work towards them. <br /> DEAD BILL: Penalties and Interest <br /> This bill would have given cities their pro rata share of the penalties and interest collected on <br /> delinquent property taxes. As.a result, Minnesota will still follow current law where the penalties <br /> and interest are split evenly between the school districts and counties. <br /> Dawn <br /> PARKS RECREATION AND FORESTRY <br /> PARKS <br /> • The Parks crew is working on park building maintenance including replacing light bulbs, <br /> cleaning carpets and general clean-up. The skating rink season has concluded and the <br /> park buildings will be scheduled for community group uses. <br />