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TAX INCREMENT PLEDGE AGREEMENT <br /> • <br /> This Tax Increment Pledge Agreement (the "Agreement" ) is <br /> dated as of March 1, 1996 ; is by and between the City of Mounds <br /> View, Minnesota (the "City" ) , and the Mounds View Economic <br /> Development Authority (the "EDA" ) ; and provides as follows : <br /> WHEREAS, at the request of the EDA, the City Council has <br /> adopted or is expected to adopt separate resolutions (the "Bond <br /> Resolutions" ) awarding the sale of the City' s Taxable General <br /> Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 1996A, and the <br /> City' s General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series <br /> 1996B, both issues dated March 1, 1996 (collectively, the <br /> "Bonds" ) , which are to assist in refinancing certain tax <br /> increment bonds which were originally issued to finance certain <br /> public development costs within certain development areas <br /> originally designated by the City as Development District Nos . 1, <br /> 2 and 3 , which Development Districts (and the tax increment <br /> districts therein) are now under the governance and control of <br /> the EDA and which have been consolidated into the Mounds View <br /> Economic Development Project (collectively, the "Project" ) ; and <br /> WHEREAS, to provide funds sufficient for the timely payment <br /> of the debt service on the Bonds, it is necessary for the EDA and <br /> the City to enter into this Agreement; and <br /> WHEREAS, each capitalized term which is used but not 4111 <br /> otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the meaning given <br /> to that term in the Bond Resolutions : <br /> NOW., THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and <br /> agreements hereof between the City and the EDA, and pursuant to <br /> Minnesota Statutes, Section 469 . 178, Subdivision 2 , the City and <br /> the EDA hereby agree as follows : <br /> 1 . In order to pay the principal of and interest on the <br /> Bonds, when due, the EDA hereby pledges to the City,, for deposit <br /> in the respective Debt Service Accounts established by the Bond <br /> Resolutions for the payment of the Bonds, and the EDA shall pay <br /> to the City, Available Tax Increments (hereinafter defined) ; <br /> provided that the amounts thereof payable hereunder shall not in <br /> any year exceed amounts necessary, together with other funds <br /> available for such purposes in said Debt Service Accounts, to pay <br /> the principal of and interest on the Bonds, when due . As used in <br /> this Agreement, "Available Tax Increments" means tax increments <br /> that are derived by the EDA from the tax increment financing <br /> districts currently existing within the Project and which are <br /> available pursuant to applicable law for such purposes; provided <br /> that the foregoing pledges and descriptions of Available Tax <br /> 311082.1 4111 <br />