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IntOF REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION Agenda Section: 8. <br /> rOUNDS <br /> STAFF REPORT Report Number: 96-1590WS <br /> 0 ��� AGENDA SESSION DATE February 5, 1996 Report Date: 2-1-96 <br /> S <br /> ogress••Partnets'A <br /> DISPOSITION <br /> ItemDsi ' tConderaon of Reappointment\Appointment of EDA Officers and Reappointment\ Appointment of <br /> EDC Members <br /> Administrator's Review/Recommendation: <br /> - No,comments to supplement this report 411-/- <br /> - Comments attached. <br /> Explanation/Summary (attach supplement sheets as necessary.) <br /> SUMMARY; <br /> I have prepared four draft resolutions for your consideration regarding the Reappointment\Appointment of <br /> EDA Officers and EDC Members. <br /> 38 The EDA Officers are required to be reappointed on an annual basis. I prepared the resolution for <br /> the positions to remain the same as 1995 but they may be changed if you wish. In addition, there <br /> are vacancies on the EDA since the departure of Samantha Orduno and Don Brager. It is suggested <br /> III to fill those vacancies with the Economic Development Coordinator and Interim Finance Director. <br /> In addition, the Clerk is the official recording officer of the Authority according to the Bylaws. <br /> Therefore, Tamara Saefke who takes the minutes should be appointed to fill Michele Severson's <br /> Clerk position. <br /> 39 Three terms expired on the EDC this year and only one, Dan Nelson, is interested in being <br /> reappointed. Both Peg Mountin and Phil Seipp have resigned due to time constraints. <br /> 40 There is one vacancy for a resident and one vacancy for a business representative on the EDC. The <br /> application deadline for new EDC members was January 31, 1996. I received one resident <br /> application from Bev Terhark who is a Realtor. Her application is attached for your review. In <br /> addition, I have contacted two business representatives to sit on the EDC. They are both considering <br /> it and I will have their answer and application delivered to you at the work session. <br /> 41 At the first meeting of the EDC the members appoint a chairperson. Last year the Chairperson was <br /> a business representative therefore this year it should be a resident. The EDC appointed by an <br /> unanimous vote Dan Nelson and Chair and Cindy Carlson of Western Bank as Vice Chair. The <br /> Chairperson must be approved by the EDA per resolution according to the Municipal Code. <br /> These items are brought before you for your convenience on February 5th since it was required to call the <br /> ii•EDA to order regarding the approval of refinancing the bonds. If you so desire they can be delayed to the <br /> next scheduled EDA meeting on February 12th. .,,, <br /> ,, , <br /> CzU-Ai_d ,Z--e>,L,71-e <br /> RECOMMENDATION; <br /> Cathy Vennett, Economic Development Coordinator <br />