City of Mounds View
<br />Five Year Financial Plan
<br />General Fund Multi-year Operating Budget 2016 thru 2020
<br />General Assumption 2.5%2.5%3%3%3%
<br />2012 2013 2014 Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected
<br />Actual Actual Actual 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
<br />Revenues:Levy increase percentage 2.00%2.00%3.50%3.50%3.50%3.50%
<br />Property taxes - Base levy 3,533,005$ 3,489,818$ 3,440,345$ 3,665,826$ 3,745,209$ 3,936,933$ 4,078,459$ 4,224,223$ 4,376,125$
<br />Property taxes - Special levies 229,145 220,145 217,145 226,145 230,668 238,741 247,097 255,746 264,697
<br />Property taxes - Fire debt levies 93,734 144,627 156,348 158,339 155,439 100,238 100,013 100,496 99,959
<br /> Total taxes 3,855,884 3,854,590 3,813,838 4,050,310 4,131,316 4,275,912 4,425,569 4,580,464 4,740,780
<br />Franchise tax 219,581 259,070 336,711 255,000 261,375 267,909 275,947 284,225 292,752
<br />Other taxes 26,718 32,032 43,859 30,000 30,750 31,519 32,464 33,438 34,441
<br />Hotel/motel tax 54,088 60,364 66,367 56,000 62,000 63,550 65,457 67,420 69,443
<br />Licenses and permits 162,955 210,774 246,970 176,842 181,263 185,795 191,368 197,110 203,023
<br />Intergovernmental 587,641 642,900 941,697 948,027 971,728 996,021 1,025,901 1,056,679 1,088,379
<br />Charges for services 27,856 24,142 14,933 19,215 19,695 20,188 20,793 21,417 22,060
<br />Fines & forfeitures 52,054 40,754 40,239 41,000 42,025 43,076 44,368 45,699 47,070
<br />Interest 116,056 (315,747) 521,224 125,000 128,125 131,328 135,268 139,326 143,506
<br />Miscellaneous 308,677 382,921 344,077 256,345 262,754 269,322 277,402 285,724 294,296
<br />Transfers:3%3%3%3%3%3%3%
<br /> Water Fund 65,410 67,372 69,393 71,475 73,619 75,828 78,103 80,446 82,859
<br /> Sewer Fund 51,807 53,361 54,962 56,611 58,309 60,059 61,860 63,716 65,628
<br /> Street Light Fund 2,320 2,390 2,462 2,536 2,612 2,690 2,771 2,854 2,940
<br /> Storm Water Fund 6,756 6,959 7,168 7,383 7,604 7,833 8,068 8,310 8,559
<br /> Vehicle & Equipment Fund 11,340 23,736 38,316 21,000 22,000 23,000 19,000 24,000 24,000
<br /> Total revenues 5,549,143 5,345,618 6,542,216 6,116,744 6,255,176 6,454,029 6,664,340 6,890,828 7,119,735
<br />-6.50%2.26%3.18%3.26%3.40%3.32%
<br />Operating Expenditures:
<br />Legislative Services:
<br />City Council 43,857 42,644 46,030 53,153 54,482 55,844 57,519 59,245 61,022
<br />Advisory Commissions 7,600 8,117 14,315 15,100 15,478 15,864 16,340 16,831 17,335
<br /> Subtotal 51,457 50,761 60,345 68,253 69,959 71,708 73,860 76,075 78,358
<br />Administrative Services:
<br />City Administrator 228,700 233,463 231,848 276,630 283,546 290,634 299,353 308,334 317,584
<br />Elections 38,204 19,955 20,053 23,200 23,780 24,375 25,106 25,859 26,635
<br />Finance 238,066 215,857 232,173 245,969 252,118 258,421 266,174 274,159 282,384
<br />Central Services 176,249 200,970 207,551 235,844 241,740 247,784 255,217 262,874 270,760
<br /> Subtotal 681,219 670,245 691,625 781,643 801,184 821,214 845,850 871,226 897,362
<br />Community Development 310,907 323,696 341,593 373,133 382,461 392,023 403,784 415,897 428,374
<br />Police 2,396,561 2,433,361 2,481,263 2,742,001 2,778,118 2,847,571 2,932,998 3,020,988 3,111,618
<br />Fire 300,140 298,217 339,428 375,894 385,291 394,924 406,771 418,974 431,544
<br />Public Works Administration 124,505 129,700 141,537 142,129 145,682 149,324 153,804 158,418 163,171 1