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Item No. 11.B.1 <br />Meeting Date: August 11, 2014 <br />Type of Business: Reports <br />Administrator Review: _____ <br />City of Mounds View Staff Report <br />To: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />From: Mark Beer, Finance Director <br />Item Title/Subject: Financial Report for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2014 <br /> <br /> <br />SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT <br /> <br />General Fund: <br />Most General Fund revenues are modestly ahead of 2013. Property taxes comprise 70% of <br />General Fund revenues. We receive an advance on the July property tax settlement in late June. <br />However, the majority of tax revenue and related state paid credits are received in the 2nd half of <br />the year. Interest revenue and transfers in and out are recorded at the end of the year. <br />Intergovernmental revenue, charges for services, and fines and forfeitures are trailing the budget. <br />A larger percentage of the City’s revenues are received in the second half of the year. Even <br />though it is part of the third and fourth quarters, the first half of LGA was received in mid July. <br />($298,512) <br /> <br />Most operating department expenditures are at or below budget expectations and represent <br />department efforts to continue to spend wisely. Some purchases will be deferred and be carried <br />over as part of the 2015 budget. <br /> <br />Other Funds: <br />Banquet operations, which is a component of the Community Center shows a year-to-date deficit <br />of $17,866 due to a regular weekly rental not renewing in 2014 and lower revenues generally in the <br />first half of the year. Banquet center revenues are lower by $9,916 from this period last year. <br />Expenditures are lower by $13,200 due to the timing of payments to the YMCA. Other revenues <br />should pick-up in the second half of the year as we get into the heart of wedding season with no <br />change over 2013. A transfer of $170,000 is budgeted for 2014 and the need to transfer the entire <br />amount will depend on the 2nd half of the year. Community Center operations have experienced <br />growing maintenance costs and this will only accelerate as the equipment continues to age. <br /> <br />The Street Improvement Fund has experienced significant cost savings over the last six projects <br />due to the very competitive construction environment. With a number of very significant <br />construction projects occurring around the metro area street project costs are starting to increase. <br />We may have to pay more but there are only 2 projects remaining. (H-2015, I-2016) <br /> <br />The Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water and Street Light Utility fund expenses are tracking within <br />or under budget. Water revenues are slightly under budget due to the very wet spring but with dry <br />weather starting in the July water revenues will increase after the summer quarter. Most funds are <br />on target with their respective budgets. The third quarter will provide a more accurate picture on <br />how the year is going but we are on track, with no significant surprises. <br /> <br />