<br />Combined 2015 Budget All Funds
<br />Special Debt Capital Total Total
<br />General Revenue Service Projects Government Enterprise All
<br />Fund Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds
<br />Expenditures:
<br />General government:
<br />Personal services 527,817 - - - 527,817 - 527,817
<br />Supplies 43,025 - - - 43,025 - 43,025
<br />Contractual services 279,054 - - 279,054 - 279,054
<br />Capital outlay 36,000 - - 36,000 - 36,000
<br />Public safety
<br />Personal services 2,207,923 - - - 2,207,923 - 2,207,923
<br />Supplies 91,745 7,900 - - 99,645 - 99,645
<br />Contractual services 818,227 1,550 - 4,500 824,277 - 824,277
<br />Capital outlay 58,325 25,000 - 65,000 148,325 - 148,325
<br />Public works
<br />Personal services 498,510 - - - 498,510 832,548 1,331,058
<br />Supplies 148,925 - - - 148,925 127,305 276,230
<br />Contractual services 180,284 - - - 180,284 1,473,760 1,654,044
<br />Depreciation - - - - - 444,000 444,000
<br />Capital outlay 13,950 - - 2,901,463 2,915,413 1,244,250 4,159,663
<br />Sanitation
<br />Personal services - 12,588 - - 12,588 - 12,588
<br />Supplies - 3,000 - - 3,000 - 3,000
<br />Contractual services - 16,289 - - 16,289 - 16,289
<br />Culture and recreation:
<br />Personal services 204,242 150,418 - - 354,660 - 354,660
<br />Supplies 57,430 21,170 - - 78,600 - 78,600
<br />Contractual services 257,355 389,448 - - 646,803 - 646,803
<br />Capital outlay - - - 675,500 675,500 - 675,500
<br />Community & Economic development
<br />Personal services 346,991 75,351 - - 422,342 - 422,342
<br />Supplies 3,138 330 - - 3,468 - 3,468
<br />Contractual services 23,004 1,386,564 - - 1,409,568 - 1,409,568
<br />Capital outlay - 1,050,000 - - 1,050,000 - 1,050,000
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Personal services 6,500 - - - 6,500 - 6,500
<br />Contractual services 73,378 - - - 73,378 - 73,378
<br />Debt principal 115,789 - 225,000 - 340,789 - 340,789
<br />Interest and fiscal charges 35,010 - 5,694 - 40,704 - 40,704
<br />Total expenditures 6,026,622 3,139,608 230,694 3,646,463 13,043,387 4,121,863 17,165,250
<br />Surplus of revenues over
<br />(under) expenditures and (68,883) (1,110,504) (229,894) (2,671,463) (4,080,744) (1,251,701) (5,332,445)
<br />Other financing sources (uses)
<br />Transfers in 159,005 261,820 - 582,122 1,002,947 210,000 1,212,947
<br />Transfers out (340,122) (81,820) - (231,000) (652,942) (560,005) (1,212,947)
<br />Total other financing sources (uses)(181,117) 180,000 - 351,122 350,005 (350,005) -
<br />Net change in fund balance
<br /> or net assets (250,000) (930,504) (229,894) (2,320,341) (3,730,739) (1,601,706) (5,332,445)
<br />Add back capital outlay & debt principal - - - - - 1,244,250 1,244,250
<br />Fund balance, January 1:9,280,219 2,130,499 334,301 7,918,741 19,663,760 11,074,239 30,737,999
<br />Fund balance, December 31 9,030,219 1,199,995 104,407 5,598,400 15,933,021 10,716,783 26,649,804
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