<br />Capital Project Funds 2015 Budgets
<br />Combining Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
<br />Park Vehicle and Special Street
<br />Dedication Equipment Projects Improvement 2015 2014
<br />Revenue:
<br />Taxes -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ 300,000$ 300,000$
<br />Franchise fees - - - 255,000 255,000 253,000
<br />Special assessments - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000
<br />Intergovernmental:
<br />State - - - 315,000 315,000 315,000
<br />Miscellaneous:
<br />Investment income 2,000 - 2,000 75,000 79,000 84,000
<br />Other 6,000 - - - 6,000 6,000
<br />Total revenue 8,000 - 2,000 965,000 975,000 978,000
<br />Expenditures:
<br />General government - - - - - 686,000
<br />Public safety - 65,000 4,500 - 69,500 220,000
<br />Streets and highways - - 200,000 2,701,463 2,901,463 2,176,000
<br />Culture and recreation 347,500 115,000 213,000 - 675,500 78,600
<br />Total expenditures 347,500 180,000 417,500 2,701,463 3,646,463 3,160,600
<br />Excess (deficiency) of revenue
<br />over expenditures (339,500) (180,000) (415,500) (1,736,463) (2,671,463) (2,182,600)
<br />Other financing sources (uses)
<br />Operating transfers
<br />Transfers in - 292,000 50,122 240,000 582,122 512,000
<br />Transfers out - (231,000) - - (231,000) (243,600)
<br />Total other financing
<br />sources (uses)- 61,000 50,122 240,000 351,122 268,400
<br />Net change in fund balance (339,500) (119,000) (365,378) (1,496,463) (2,320,341) (1,914,200)
<br />Fund balance, January 1 210,822 1,443,118 (47,977) 6,312,778 7,918,741 9,832,941
<br />Fund balance, December 31 (128,678)$ 1,324,118$ (413,355)$ 4,816,315$ 5,598,400$ 7,918,741$
<br />Total Budget
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